New News

Try This Salt Water Flush as a Master Cleanse for Your Body


(Editor’s note: Always check with a healthcare professional before starting a new health regimen.)

Are you feeling tired, lazy, and a little bloated? Perhaps you have also been struggling with constipation. A salt water flush style colon cleaning it may be what you need. If washing your colon seems strange to you, you should know that it can help you flush out the unnecessary toxins that are causing problems.

If you keep up with the information in the world of holistic treatment, you have probably read about various colon cleanses, also called colonics. While it may seem like a novel approach, removing toxins from the body has been around for thousands of years. An article published by the Registered Colon Hydrotherapists Association explains that the ancient Egyptians and Greeks practiced routine colon cleansing for better health.

What can colonics do for you?

Your colon, or large intestine, is your body’s last stop before it flushes waste from your system. Once your small intestine has absorbed as much nutrients and fluids as possible, they send the indigestible waste to your colon for you to expel. Sometimes the stool in your colon can be too dry and can cause hard stool to build up, which can cause constipation or impaction.

The purpose of a colon cleanse is to introduce fluid into your intestines to rehydrate dry stool so that it can be eliminated more easily. It can help your intestines and other digestive organs work more efficiently, states an article from the Global Professional Association of Colon Therapists. A colon cleanse can help you remove toxic materials and harmful bacteria stuck in your body, which can only help this area work better.

What are the symptoms of a blocked colon?

How do you know if you the colon is blocked? You may not have a problem with constipation, but your bowels are by no means regular. Several things can indicate that something is not right in your digestive system, and these are the most common signs:

• Abdominal cramp

• Inability to pass stool or gas

• Bloating in the stomach: bloating

• Constipation or diarrhea, depending on the area of ​​the obstruction

• Black tar-like stools, also called melena

• Blood present in the stools

• Abnormal noises in the colon, called rumbling

• Nausea and vomiting

Each case is unique, as the colon is divided into five distinct regions: cecum, sigmoid, transverse, descending, and ascending. A blockage can occur in any part of these regions, but they are seen more in the cecum. It would be better if you noted the difference between a clogged and blocked colon.

A blocked colon is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention. This is where the body is unable to pass stool and is accumulating fecal matter in your system. A clog means things are still going through your system, but movement is slow or building up.

The situation must be fixed before it gets worse. A salt water rinse can help clear the blockage and improve the flow of stool from the body. It’s like putting a drain cleaner in the sink.

Removes obstruction from path so water can flow freely.

Differences of opinion between medical experts

As with many alternative therapies, expert opinions are divided on the benefits and safety of colonics, such as a salt water wash. Even advocates say that colon cleanses may not be for everyone. Before you decide to try one, consider these pros and cons.

Advantages of colon cleansing

Although they often cite circumstantial evidence, colonic supporters say it has its benefits. An article published by the Baseline of Health Foundation says that cleaning your colon can have several health benefits.


• Stimulates the muscles in your large intestine so you can move waste through your system more efficiently. Stimulation helps prevent stagnation.

• It will help remove mucus and putrid fecal matter from small pockets and the lining of the colon.

• It can disinfect your digestive system.

• Flushing salt water will remove heavy metals, such as lead and mercury traces, and other toxins, from the walls of your intestines.

• Extracts the residues of medicines, chemicals and other potentially harmful substances that you have ingested.

• A cleanse calms the area as it promotes healing of the mucous membranes throughout the digestive system.

• It can encourage your body to start healing hernias in your stomach or intestines, which is another major problem.

• Cleanses the liver, bile ducts and gallbladder by increasing the flow of bile.

• Promotes the growth of beneficial intestinal flora to maintain good digestive health.

• Hot flashes can kill harmful parasites.

• They slow the overgrowth of Candida Albicans, a harmful yeast present in most people.

• Maintains the regularity of your bowel movements.

• They soften hard stools so you don’t have to strain to get your intestines to move.

• Encourages a faster flow of stool through your colon for elimination.

• You may lose weight due to the loss of stored stool.


Unfortunately, many detractors reject that a colon cleanse offers any help. Although there is evidence to the contrary, it is advisable to know the risks before carrying out any activity of this type. Here are the downsides of doing this practice.

• There are many scams and tricks that try to seduce you.

• It is not a universal treatment plan, so it is not for everyone. Some may find it difficult to do so.

• You can change your bowel habits for a few days after the procedure.

• You must follow the instructions verbatim to avoid complications.

• Never put unhealthy things in the colon, like coffee or other unapproved substances. Salt water flushing is a natural way to flush toxins out of the body, making it a better option.

Redness for good health

Now that you’ve read all about the pros and cons of performing a colon cleanse, you’re probably ready to try anything if you’re having ongoing problems. Unlike an enema, which many colon cleansers use, this one is drunk and does the job as it passes through your system.

Be aware that it will not taste good as salt is quite strong and can be bitter when consumed in large quantities. Once you make the mix, you should finish it right away. Do not let it sit in the refrigerator or on the counter for a long time.

It may take 5-10 minutes for you to drink all the blush, and that’s perfectly acceptable due to the spicy taste. You need a good recipe to get started, so here’s one for you to follow.

Salt water wash recipe

One word of warning. If you have high blood pressure or are on a sodium-restricted diet, check with your doctor before indulging in the saltwater flush.


You will need a canning jar with a tight lid for this recipe.

• 2 teaspoons fine sea salt, Himalayan pink salt or Celtic gray salt

• 5 cups of warm filtered water

• 1 medium lemon, squeezed


• In a small saucepan over medium heat, add the water and heat until hot, without boiling. Remove the pan from the heat.

• Use a funnel to carefully pour the water into the jar. Add salt and lemon juice, Seal the lid tightly and shake vigorously until all the salt dissolves and you don’t see any granules. This recipe makes a single serving.

How to use your salt water rinse:

• Your goal is to drink the salt water rinse in five minutes. Drink in comfortable sips until all of the solution is gone.

• Now lie down in a comfortable place on your right side and gently massage one side of your abdomen. Then turn to the other side and rub it. You may feel a small “gurgling” in your gut or a feeling of fullness.

• Try to keep the solution in your body for at least half an hour for maximum salt absorption. You can continue to massage both sides of your abdomen while you relax and breathe deeply.

• Within half an hour or maybe a little earlier or more, you will feel the need to go to the bathroom. You can go multiple times until everything is cleared and your colon is empty.

Final thoughts on saltwater discharges

It may be on the fence with respect to a colon cleaning. The good news is that when you do it orally, there is less risk than other methods. Always use natural practices, such as salt water rinsing, to ensure you don’t cause any significant digestive upset.

Colon cleanses became popular a few years ago and everyone jumped on the bandwagon. There is absolutely no need to buy an expensive kit when there are healthier natural alternatives to consider.

It is best to do this cleaning when you have a day to stay in the house. Washing the intestines can produce a large amount of stool or a small amount. However, you want to stay close to the bathroom to avoid accidents.

While there are conflicting views on this practice, it should be noted that it is not new. Even the ancient Egyptians used such rituals to help improve their health. If it didn’t work at all, centuries later, it still wouldn’t be in use.

So if you have constipation issues, Abdominal cramp, and other signs of a blocked colon, it’s worth a try to see if it helps.


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