Our partner Rob Brezsny provides his weekly wisdom to illuminate our thinking and motivate our mood. Rob’s Free will astrology, is a weekly syndicated column that appears in more than a hundred publications. He is also the author of Pronoia is the antidote to paranoia: how all of creation is conspiring to shower you with blessings. (A free preview of the book is available here.)
Here’s your weekly horoscope …
FREE WILL ASTROLOGY – Week beginning July 23, 2021
Copyright by Rob Brezsny, FreeWillAstrology.com
LEO (July 23 to August 22):
“Once upon a time”: that’s your power phrase these days. what do I want to say with that? I suggest that you strengthen your problem solving skills by participating in a playful simulation for the sheer joy of it. I am predicting that you will boost your confidence by dreaming up funny magical stories in which you endure heroic trials and accomplish epic feats. And I suggest that you hone your ability to accomplish practical feats if you consider your robust imagination crucial to your success.
VIRGO (from August 23 to September 22):
Virgo singer-songwriter Fiona apple says she is not religious. On the other hand, he regularly kneels on the ground and announces to whatever great power may be listening: “Thank you for my troubles, and I send my love everywhere.” She is sincere. You consider your sadness and challenges to be equally important to your happiness and success. Difficulties teach her what she didn’t even realize she needed to know, and make her appreciate the good times more intensely. I suggest you borrow from your approach right now.
LIBRA (from September 23 to October 22):
Nobel Prize Winning Author Albert camus wrote: “Great feelings bring their own universe”, which he said can be degraded or splendid, selfish or generous. I love that it allowed the possibility that great feelings could be positive and noble. Many big-name thinkers focus on ignoble and negative states of mind. According to the current astrological potentials, Libra, your task is to cultivate splendid and generous feelings. These feelings should lift you up, lift you up, and empower you to spread transformative benevolence to those whose lives you touch.
ESCORPION (from October 23 to November 21):
“How can you hold on to something that won’t stay still?” asked the Scorpio poet Benjamin Fondane. In general, Scorpios are more talented than any other zodiac sign at doing just that: cornering wavy and slippery things and making them work for you. And I hope this ability is especially on the line for you for the next few weeks. Your mastery of elusive assets will never be perfect, but it will be effective enough to accomplish little wonders.
SAGITTARIUS (from November 22 to December 21):
Sagittarius Calvin trillin He is a resourceful writer with a good imagination and a talent for inventive language. But back to school, he confesses, “Math was always my bad subject. I couldn’t convince my teachers that many of my answers had ironic meaning. “You Sagittarians are empowered by cosmic powers to borrow your style and attitude from Trillin in the coming weeks. Therefore, you shouldn’t be obsessed with mathematical precision and annoying logic — your job is not to be conceptually flawless and scrupulously sensitive. Rather, you have a license to be extra lyrical, exuberant, rhapsodic, humorous, and irrepressible.
CAPRICORN (from December 22 to January 19):
In 2011, an eBay seller produced a photo from the 19th century that he said proved that Capricorn actor Nicholas Cage is a time-traveling vampire. Although the character in the picture did resemble the Oscar-winning star, he rejected the theory and emphatically stated that he is not a time-traveling vampire. That may all sound absurd, but I must tell you that you will soon have to deal with people’s equally inaccurate and far-fetched theories about you. My advice: don’t take it personally. Just correct the misinterpretations of others and rely solely on yourself for definitive ideas about who you are.
AQUARIUS (from January 20 to February 18):
I have put together excerpts from love poems for your inspiration. Why? Because you are entering the Heightened Intimacy Phase of your astrological cycle. Consider using the following riffs for inspiration when interacting with your loved ones. 1. “I profess the religion of love; it is the belief, the faith that I hold. “2.” Holding your hand, I can hear your bones singing against mine and feel the moon as it rolls through you. “3.” The raw light spills from your eyes, completely naked, awakening an intoxicating glow of adventure. “4.” I ask you please to speak to me forever. “(Excerpts from poems are by Ibn ‘Arabi, Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi, Herman Hesse, Sara Eliza Johnson, Alejandra Pizarnik).
PISCES (February 19 to March 20):
A “moon garden” brings joy through flowers and plants that reveal all their beauty after dark. Among the flowers that bloom at night are the evening primrose, the angel’s trumpet and the Dutchman’s pipe cactus. As for the flowers whose aromas are most powerful after sunset: night jasmine, garden heliotrope and honeysuckle. According to my reading of astrological omens, in the near future you will have similarities to a lunar garden, Pisces. Be alert to opportunities to glow and grow in the dark.
ARIES (March 21 to April 19):
Author Valerie Andrews It reminds us that as children we all had the “magical ability to see the earth as an animal sees it; experience the sky from the perspective of a flower or a bee; feel the earth tremble and breathe below us; know a hundred different smells of mud and inadvertently listen to the rustling of the trees. “Oh, I wish you could recapture even a fraction of those talents in the next few days. My reading of current astrological potentials tells me that your chances of doing so are much better than usual.Your ability to connect with the eternal child and the wise animal within you is at its peak.
TAURUS (from April 20 to May 20):
Taurus singer Barbra Streisand has a ‘mall’ built under her grand house to display her treasured belongings and show them off when friends come over. Among the windows are an antique shop, a doll shop, a costume shop and a sweet shop. The next few weeks would also be a great time for you to start building a mall under your house, Taurus. If that’s too expensive or complicated, here are alternatives: 1. Revitalize your appreciation for your most prized possessions. 2. Acquire a new prized possession or two that will inspire you to love your life even more than you already love. 3. Re-familiarize yourself with the spiritual powers that your treasured possessions awaken in you.
GEMINI (from May 21 to June 20):
The Dalai Lama says there are fundamental similarities between science and Buddhism. They both keep looking for ever more complete versions of the truth. They both employ first-hand observation and experimentation to do this noble work. If they find new information that contradicts previous versions of the truth, they are both willing to discard it. Now that you Geminis are entering the Deep Questioning Phase of your astrological cycle, I would love for you to make generous use of the Buddhist / scientific approach. More complete versions of the truth will be available in abundance in the coming weeks, if you keep an eye on them.
CANCER (from June 21 to July 22):
Cancer artist Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1656) accomplished the impossible: she became a highly skilled and renowned painter at a time when women had virtually no opportunity to become artists. Many aspects of her work distinguished her from other painters. For example, he described women with strong and agile hands and arms. In the world of Artemisia, the power of women’s wrists, forearms, and fingers signifies their ability to make their mark on the world, to perform arduous practical tasks with grace and style. If I were to paint pictures of you in the next few weeks, I would also portray you with strong, agile hands and arms. I suspect that he will have a powerful agency to get things done, to cleverly manipulate the material world to serve his ideals. (Thoughts on Artemisia’s hands come from art historian Mary D. Garrard.)
THEY WANT MORE? Listen to Rob’s EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES, 4-5 minute meditations on the current status of your destination, or subscribe to his exclusive daily texting service at: RealAstrology.com
(Zodiac images by Numerologysign.com, CC License)
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