April 4, 2021– “That in love and in life, freedom from fear, like all species of freedom, is only possible in the present moment, has long been a central teaching of the oldest Eastern spiritual and philosophical traditions. It is one of the most elementary truths of existence, and one of the most difficult to put into practice as we go through our daily human lives, so habitually inclined towards the next moment and the mentally constructed universe of expected events: the parallel universe where Anxiety dwells, where hope and fear for what might overshadow what is, and where we stop being free because we are no longer in the direct light of reality. The relationship between freedom, fear and love is what that Alan Watts explores in one of the deepest themes.chapters of The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety (public library), his fully revealing 1951 classic, which introduced the philosophy of The East in the West with its lucid and luminous case of how to live with presence “. (79 reads)
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