New News

Place, Personhood & the Hippocampus

[ad_1] September 26, 2021– “‘Place and mind can interpenetrate until the nature of both is altered,’ ‘wrote Scottish mountaineer and poet Nan Shepherd in her lyrical love letter to her native Highlands, echoing an ancient intuition about how our Formative physical landscapes shape our landscapes of thought and feeling. The word ‘genius’ in the modern…

New News

A Case for the Porch

[ad_1] September 25, 2021– “Lately I’ve been trying to think like a porch. Trying to think between the natural and the human. Thinking about the best way to build during a climate crisis. I came across John Cage saying that progress in art” may be listening nature. “He thought that this activity could best be…

New News

What Makes A Good Life?

[ad_1] September 24, 2021– What keeps us happy and healthy as we go through life? If you think it’s fame and money, you’re not alone, but according to psychiatrist Robert Waldinger, you’re wrong. As the director of a 75-year study on adult development, he shares three important lessons learned from the study, as well as…

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Where I’m From… | DailyGood

[ad_1] September 23, 2021– Appalachian poet George Ella Lyon’s poem, “Where Am I From”, evokes the particular world of a particular childhood through a poem made up of bits and pieces of memory … Memories of specific images and sounds, objects , instructions, tragedies and delights. It has been used in classrooms around the world…

New News

A Palestinian Woman Building Peace From the Bottom Up

[ad_1] September 22, 2021– Born in Jerusalem to respected Palestinian scholars and educators, Huda Abu Arquob’s great-grandfather was one of the many Muslim Palestinians who welcomed and protected the Jewish residents of Hebron during the 1929 massacre. “That story has not been properly documented.” Huda says, “perhaps because it challenges the simplistic narrative of Palestinians…

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Prayer for Atheists | DailyGood

[ad_1] September 21, 2021– “Legend has it that physicist Niels Bohr had a horseshoe hanging over his door. A colleague asked him why, to which he replied:” It’s for luck. “The colleague then asked him if he believed in luck. Bohr He reassured him that as a scientist he did not believe in luck. Baffled,…

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A Sri Lankan Christian’s Reflections

[ad_1] September 15, 2021– “Growing up as a Christian in predominantly Buddhist Sri Lanka, I learned early that there was a lot to be gained from studying Buddhism. The Buddha’s teachings sometimes challenged my assumptions about Christianity, and at other times they enlightened and clarified the words and stories of Jesus. “. Shanta Premawardhana shares…