Rewilding a Mountain | DailyGood


Rebuilding a mountain

July 18, 2021– The Sagebrush Sea is a landscape of great beauty and captivating wildlife, but rapid desertification and extractive industries threaten this vast basin. But at the Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge in southeastern Oregon, a different story unfolds. New poplar trees explode alongside thriving streams, migratory birds travel thousands of miles to nest in willow branches, and even the endangered grouse appears to be recovering in the highlands. Rewilding a Mountain unravels a disturbing controversy that challenged the central identity of the West and follows a team of scientists asking the question: what happened here? At a time when public lands are under attack, fresh water is increasingly scarce, and climate change calls for severe action, Hart Mountain can serve as a deeply needed lesson, if they were willing to listen (5 readings)

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To take actionExperiment with rebuilding your way. What could happen if you don’t pull up that “weed”?



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