Returning to the Village | DailyGood


Returning to town

July 8, 2021– For those of us who live in urban areas, what does it really mean to return to life in the village? What is the impetus that moves people to reverse the direction of their recent ancestors’ migration to the city? What can you offer to live on earth, grow your own food, and use your hands to make clothing and shelter for souls hungry for a real connection to Earth? Here, Hang Mai, a Vietnamese natural farmer and social entrepreneur, who along with her partner Chau Duong, part of the wives of those who want to make this transition to the village, reflects on this question. (290 reads)

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To take actionFor more inspiration, join the next Awakin Talk with Hang Mai and Chau Duong, natural farmers and community builders in rural Vietnam. RSVP here [more]



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