‘Recycle Your Electricals’ Campaign Diverts 1,000 Computers to Those in Need, So Far



In an attempt to absorb some of the 527 million small electrical items owned by UK households, many of which would be thrown away, a new campaign is underway to repair, recycle or ethically dispose of them. electrical products in Glasgow.

The Recycle your electrical product campaign you’re using local resources like repair and repair shops, conscientious consumers, and state campaigns to get devices into the hands of those who need them and valuable materials from machines that don’t.

Run by the non-profit organization Material approachAnd with the support of Glasgow City Council and the Remade Network, the Recycle Your Electrical Campaign is already getting a great response.

With a focus on repair, donation, recycling and resale, it is essentially a massive reorganization of electrical product distribution.

“For too long, consumers have been blamed for not reusing and repairing enough when the facilities don’t exist for people to make better decisions,” said Sophie Unwin, director of Remade Network, who is contributing her Tech Drop Service allowing people to bring anything with a battery or plug that will fit in a carry bag to one of their locations, giving residents the option of ‘ethical trash’, with Remade working out the details.

This has allowed them to donate 1,000 desktop computers from government offices to households without Internet access through 50 local charities. So far, the social enterprise has diverted 250 tons of CO2.

No problem

Material Focus estimates the cost of the materials contained in unwanted electrical appliances to be around £ 17 billion ($ 24 billion). Many of these have to be extracted from the earth at extreme cost to business and to the climate in the form of CO2.

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“This project is vital to ensuring that we make good use of our old electrical systems,” said Scott Butler, Executive Director of Material Focus. “Whether reused or recycled, these items contain valuable materials that would otherwise be lost forever. Our research has shown that in the UK we are accumulating more than 527 million small electrical items, an average of 20 per household ”.

Along with funding from Glasgow City Council, Remade Network and Material Focus receive money through a UK scheme called WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment), which sets the parameters by which manufacturers can design products to ensure they can be recycled.

Any breach is punishable by a tax that goes to a fund from which groups such as Remade and Material Focus draw.

The Material Focus recycling locator has more than 2,500 points where people can take their old electronic waste, a service that has already been used by 127,000 people.

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E-waste is a growing problem around the world, but perhaps it is because there has not been a large-scale solution for it.

Receiving old electronics, collecting them for components, and selling them to manufacturers cheaply is a great way to keep rare minerals in the ground and low prices in stores.

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