Capricorn Horoscope August 2021 — Love and Career Predictions

Read what your sign’s 2021 horoscope predictions have in store for you or check out the Capricorn personality profile.

Happy August, Capricorn! Last month was great for you, darling sea-goat. You saw professional gains and celebrated with friends at the end of July. You might have stayed out too late, but don’t worry, responsible Capricorn, we won’t tell. August kicks off with a new moon in brave Leo on Sunday, August 8. New moons are all about fresh starts, and this one falls in your 8th House of Sex, Death, and Transformation. You can be critical sometimes, Capricorn, even of yourself. But this lunation asks you to compassionately look at areas of your love life that need improving and ask what you can do to make those changes. This may mean more date nights with a partner or saying ‘yes’ to a Tinder date. Your assignment right now is to embrace change, rather than avoid it. 

On Wednesday, August 11, chatty planet Mercury enters its home sign of practical Virgo. You really hate petty fights, Capricorn. If it’s not productive, you don’t see the point, and recently, you may have experienced one too many silly arguments with your lover or partner. Thankfully, this transit brings smooth communication your way. Just make sure to give your love interest positive feedback so that they know you appreciate the change (and keep the healthy conversations coming). 

And speaking of love, Venus, the planet of romance, enters its home sign of Libra on Monday, August 19. You’re self-reliant, Capricorn. No one could ever doubt that. But with this transit, you may begin to look at a partner, or even the idea of love, in a new way. A partnership can make you stronger, not weaker — just keep reminding yourself of that if you feel the urge to pull away.

Independent Uranus goes retrograde on Thursday, August 19 in fun-loving Taurus. It will be retrograde until Friday, January 14. Sometimes, sweet Capricorn, you worry about the details a little bit too much. Life experience and friendships are important, not to mention the fact that having fun is actually good for your mental health. Your Uranus retrograde assignment is to go party more — seriously. 

Sunday, August 22 is a big day. For starters, it’s the first day of Virgo season, which is always a fabulous time for you. This fellow earth sign brings out your inner perfectionist, so if it’s possible, you might even be better at life during this time. This date is also a big full moon in Virgo, which urges you to enjoy an indulgent romantic night at home. Whether you’re single or partnered, make (or buy) a special dessert, take a lavish bath, and wear your favorite PJs or lingerie. 

August begins to wrap up when messenger Mercury enters diplomatic Libra on Monday, August 30. This transit brings calm and a sense of ease to your love life, and you, Capricorn, do not complain about that. See you in September! 

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Courtesy of brand / Allure: Rosemary Donahue

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