July 13, 2021– “In our own way they always tell us not to ask for anything. They always tell us in our community, as a practice, that when we have to start asking for something is when we agree that people are irresponsible. Irresponsible in not understanding what we need, irresponsible in not seeing what is needed, and irresponsible in not having moved our resources and our actions to ensure that that need is not there, because that is the responsibility that we and the people who around us. we support each other. Therefore, in our community we cannot go up to a person and say, “I want you to do this for me.” All we can do is clarify to them what is happening and what the consequences are for our family, or for our community, or for the earth. We must clarify what should be done and how it should be done, and then it is their turn and if they do not fulfill that responsibility, at some point they will face what they themselves need. “Jeannette Armstrong shares more about the deep world view and practices of the Okanagan people in this insightful essay. (28 readings)
To take actionMany of the practices and perspectives in the previous article challenge the dominant culture and norms. Pick one that calls you particularly, or perhaps, if you prefer, one that intimidates you a bit, and try to implement it in your own life for a period of your choosing.
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