
February 22, 2021– “Poetry, my father quoted it frequently, my grandmother collected it in scrapbooks, friend cards, I memorized fragments of it at school. Poetry really came to me when I was a young father when my family and I needed to move around far from the country of our best friends. It was an unstable and lonely time. I started walking at night to relax. It was spring. Lemon blossoms. Surprisingly, I felt something in me that wanted to flow and dance … and words – me Short poems came out. I was surprised, encouraged, and happily hooked. Then one day I happened to discover another poet, and then a small community of poets. For the next 25 years I shared poetry with them. Poetry is a discovery that I did on my way to finding my life. ” Jim Glaser shares some of his thoughtful poems here. (504 reads)
To take actionDo you have your favorite poems, or those of other people, that have helped you find your way on life’s journey? If so, share them with others.
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