Australia has Experienced One of the Most Astonishing Drops in Crime Ever Recorded by Any Country


If the old newsroom adage of “if you bleed, lead” is true in Australia, then Australian journalists will need to find something else to write about, as the country has experienced one of the most dramatic and precipitous drops in crime rates. in the developed world.

Since 2001, robberies have been reduced by 68%, motor vehicle theft by 70%, robbery by 71%, attempted murder by 70%, and murder rates by 50%, while that overall homicide, including manslaughter, plummeted 59%.

A full report in the Sydney morning herald gives us the happy news, while trying to explain this general improvement in society.

Possible reasons for the decline include lower alcohol consumption among youth, improvements in the economy and lower unemployment, and better access to better safety technologies in cars and homes.

Additionally, the contraction in the black and gray markets has created greater risk when dealing with stolen goods.

In 2000, this was not always the case, and a book published by Australian social scientists called The missing criminal bearing witness. Rising crime rates were the norm, as were other English-speaking nations, in the 1970s and 1980s.

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An international survey of crime statistics conducted in 2000 in 25 countries showed that Australia had the second highest rate of car theft, the highest rate of burglary, the highest rate of contact crimes (encompassing theft , sexual assault and forceful assault) and the highest overall level of crime victimization, the authors say.

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In the face of these depressing trends, the recent drop seems like a miracle. The increasing demand from the public on the police to produce real results appears to coincide, as reported by the SMH, with a greater understanding of what works best in the police, while the replacement of a heroin problem in Australian society by methamphetamine appears to have reduced crime rates among drugs. users.

CHECK OUT: Homicide rates around the world continue to fall to record levels year over year

It really confirms what Steven Pinker and Matt Ridley write in their books. Lighting now Y The rational optimist: The significant ways in which the world is improving are happening at a rate never before seen by our species, and virtually no social problem is insurmountable by progress.

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