World’s Largest Floating Office Opens in Rotterdam and it is Designed for Climate Change Resilience


Powerhouse Company

The world’s largest floating office building opens in the Netherlands, where, unsurprisingly, it will house the offices of the Global Adaptation Center.

Anchored in the port of Rijnhaven in Rotterdam, both the office and the organization will make a fighting alliance in attempts to lessen the impact of climate change on our society, particularly in a country that is below sea level.

The Rotterdam Floating Office, or FOR, was recently inaugurated by King Willem-Alexander and former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who heads the team that is installed in the 4,500 square meters (48,500 square feet), three-story office space.

Built with precast beams arranged on 15 custom-made concrete pontoons, the upper floors feature wraparound terraces to enjoy the view of the city.

A cantilevered roof protects the interior from the sun. Powering FOR is a set of 800 square meter solar panels connected to batteries on land.

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It also uses the northern waters of the Dutch port as a heat sink to regulate temperatures in the offices without using climate control. Finally, the offices are fully recyclable after the materials are no longer safe for continued use.

Powerhouse Company

“We designed our floating office to reflect the values ​​of its inhabitants: the Global Adaptation Center,” he writes Powerhouse Company, the architects of FOR.

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“This Rotterdam-based NGO … aims to promote planning, investment and technology to mitigate climate change.

“The carbon neutral building is designed to be weather resistant and will float if the sea level rises due to climate change. Our weather-resistant office is both an illustration of the mission of the center and an example of how to build sustainable floating structures. “

The Global Adaptation Center has a ten-year lease on the building, after which it will move to another tenant.

FLOAT that good news to your best friends …


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