Wife’s Humorous Obituary For Late Husband Goes Viral – ‘Cause of death: being dead sexy’


Laughing at death is often ‘just what the doctor ordered’ because humor can be a powerful weapon against pain, and a widow’s mocking obituary went viral because we all want that recipe.

Crowd photographed by Christin Noelle

The devoted wife from Omaha, Nebraska, decided to turn her despair into a giggling statement in the epitaph she wrote for her “dead sexy husband.”

Crystal and Eric Sauser were married for 13 years until on February 26, Eric lost a two-year battle with cancer.

One of the things Crystal appreciated most about her husband Eric was his uniquely warm and quirky sense of humor. When it came time to write your obituary, the standard death notice templates just wouldn’t work. He needed something less than serious.

Deciding to walk away from the convention, Crystal wrote an elegy that instead spoke of the exceptional type of man that Eric really was. “His departure was just in time for him to make his spiritual appearance at every Red Sox spring game,” he observed. “If you knew Eric, you knew you were loved, and he most likely told you, probably sober, but maybe not.”

She also wryly listed her husband’s priorities: “Eric loved, in this order: his fiery wife, his brilliant children and family, his many friends, the Boston Red Sox, the Kansas City Chiefs (before he was a fan of the Chiefs it was cold), the Huskers, Liverpool Soccer, QT iced tea, Adidas shoes, fishing, backpacking, hiking, hunting, and whatever old Chevy you saw on the road. “

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Regarding the memorial service to be held on March 4, she wrote: “Admission is free for all who attend this once-in-a-lifetime spectacle for the greatest man on earth. After the service, the family requests to listen to Ozzy Osborne and make a cold beer (preferably Busch Light) to celebrate Eric’s life.

“In lieu of flowers, please pray that the Huskers have a winning season …”

After the the obituary was published Online, Crystal was surprised to learn that the post had gone viral. While he thinks Eric might have been a bit embarrassed, he would have greatly appreciated the way she had captured his spirit.

“He would be happy that this story is generating inspiration and love,” he said. Good morning america. “If there’s one thing Eric and I can do, it’s send some love.”

And there is no better way to be remembered than that.

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