Why Being With The Right Person Makes You A Better Version of Yourself


True love awakens the heart. It puts a spring in your step and makes you strive to be better. It’s that feeling when you’ve found the right person that you’re home safe and sound where you belong.

Find a soul mate It is something that many people dream of, but many doubt it will ever happen to them. Some say that love is an emotion, while others believe that it is a choice. You wake up every day and choose to be faithful to care for and support this person and to be there through the ups and downs of life.

Regardless of how you view love, most people will tell you that being in a good relationship brings out the best in you. Love is not just about laughter and kisses, as that is simply a sign of emotional bonding. However, true love is when two halves of a whole come together. When two lost souls find their way to each other, they feel that all is well in this world.

Nine ways love changes you for the better

You can’t expect to change someone when you fall in love, but love changes you effortlessly. You can’t help but alter who you are because this association makes you a better person.

So what kind of power does love have over you that can make you your best self? Here are nine ways you can improve when you are with the right person.

1. You put others before yourself

One of the most beautiful things about being with the right person is how it changes your priorities. While you once put your wants, needs, and desires above everything else, now you have someone else to consider.

It’s about giving up that weekend with friends or girlfriends because your partner is sick and needs you. You become disinterested because their needs are just as important to you as yours. Part of the changes that happen when you fall in love with the right person is that you want to be better for them.

You are the right person in almost every decision you make. You give up the extra slice of cake because you know they want it and you don’t mind getting up early to make sure their car is nice and warm on a cold, snowy day.

Fortunately, this disinterest will transfer and grow as you alter your view of the world around you. It is as if love increases your generosity and makes you a better human being.

2. Communication skills are improved

Communication is essential, but when you’re with someone who is sunny in the morning, you can’t wait to tell them how your day was. It’s the first person you text during your lunch break at work, and it’s the last voice you want to hear before closing your eyes at night.

Learn that it is no longer part of you. You have someone there who values ​​your opinion and wants to hear what you have to say. The good communication skills you learn with your partner can help you at work and in other areas of your life.

3. Learn the value of truth

It’s nice never to tell a lie, but White Lies they are commonplace in society. You tell the collector that the check is in the mail, or you tell family members that the reason you are late for dinner is that you had to work. When you enter a committed relationship, you learn to value the truth more than ever.

An excellent partner is always sincere, even when it hurts. They are the ones who know you inside and out, and they can see in your eyes if you say something misleading. They know you so well that they can almost assess what you are doing and where you have been.

Some say that it is an intuitive nature that couples have with each other. Why do so many wives feel like their spouse is cheating on them before they have any proof? It’s because the connection you have with your soulmate is based on honesty, and when someone breaks that trust, the other person suffers.

In a relationship, you learn that even white lies can be hurtful and damaging, and you quickly learn frankness. The truth is always the answer at all costs.

4. Loneliness is not a problem

There is nothing worse than loneliness. What’s Valentine’s Day without someone to buy roses and chocolates from? How can you get through Christmas or Hanukkah without someone to feast on and snuggle up on a cold winter morning?

Having someone by your side during the holidays and all the other essential seasons of life is priceless. You quickly understand how those who have no one to share their experiences feel and you become more sensitive to the needs of lonely people.

It’s no fun being alone, not even for one night, and having the right person by your side makes even the toughest days better.

5. Fears of the future dissipate

Fear and anxiety about the future are commonplace, especially when you have no one to share your responsibilities with. You are concerned about having money to pay your bills, funds for retirement, and having a job that provides good health benefits.

When you are with the right person, they help you bear that burden. They help relieve your stress as you now have someone else who can help you. It opens your eyes to what the single people around you must struggle with as they have no one to help them get through those dark financial periods and fears for their future.

6. Teamwork becomes common

If you’ve always been a person who prefers to work alone, you’ll soon learn that it’s all about teamwork in a relationship. Fortunately, the skills you use working as a team at home can be extended to work. He learns that having someone help him is valuable and a better way than always doing things alone.

You become your best self when you realize that you cannot do everything in this life on your own. Sometimes it is okay to ask for help and get help from other people.

7. Learn the power of intimacy

Intimacy is something that alters you and your outlook on life. Anyone can have sex, but when you have real closeness, it makes you feel wanted. Being loved can increase your self esteem and make you walk with a bounce in your step.

Intimate moments include things like playing a song and singing it to the other person on an instrument or having someone hug you when you cry over a loss. It is a closeness that arises during private moments, and it is the observation and knowledge of the other person.

Intimacy can change your views on the world around you because you know what it feels like to have someone who cares about you on such a deep level. Sexual encounters last a few minutes. However, real intimacy with the right person can improve your world indefinitely.

8. You will live longer

If you want to be your best self, it helps to be happy, healthy, and alive. One study found that people who are married or in a committed relationship live longer than those who are divorced or single. The Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health published the study.

The shocking fact is that 40 percent of married people live longer lives than others. Show that there is something truly unique and magical about having the right person in your life that gives you the desire to keep fighting for another day.

9. You keep going even when you think you can’t

There are many times in this life when you will want to throw in the towel. It may be all you can do to get out of bed in the morning because you didn’t sleep the night before. No matter how you feel or what is happening at work, you get up and move on because you have someone else who is depending on you.

Quitting is not an option when you know that you could mean everything to the other person if you quit. The drive and instincts to keep going during the toughest adversities of this life will help you in every way.

Final thoughts on how to find the right person to complete your soul

A recent Marist survey found that 73 percent of the population believe who have a soul mate waiting. Is there something in this belief that a person can make you happier, healthier, and give you the ability to live a longer life?

No matter how many articles you read, the websites you explore, or the people you ask, love is about taking risks. As the old saying goes, you can kiss some frogs before you find your real prince (or princess).

If you want someone to weaken your knees and make you a better person, then you must be willing to take risks. There is someone for everyone, and the the right person is waiting for you.


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