What went right this week: ‘net-zero’ Netflix, plus more positive news


Netflix committed to net zero emissions

Binge-eating Netflix series could soon be blameless, when it comes to broadcasting. The streaming giant has pledged to go net zero by the end of 2022.

The company says it will “reduce, retain and remove” carbon through measures such as installing solar panels, hiring local staff to avoid long-distance travel, and using LED lighting and electric vehicles on set. Any emissions that it cannot reduce internally, he says, will be offset through conservation projects.

Though he was late to the party (many tech companies have already set such goals for themselves), Netflix has been more ambitious than most. “We fully anticipate that we will be able to achieve this goal even though it looms on the horizon,” Emma Stewart, the company’s first-appointed sustainability officer, he told the Independent.

Image: Charles Deluvio



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