Tweet Your Thanks to a Veteran Today and $25 Goes to Paying Off Their Mortgage


Together, we can pay the debt of those to whom we are always in debt.

Today is Veterans Day, and on November 11, every time a person tweets “Thank you for your service”, Veterans united you’re contributing $ 25 to pay off your ex-military’s home loans.

This incredible campaign is tagged with the #MakeItMeanMore hashtag, because while they appreciate our gratitude, veterans deserve more than a quick ‘thank you’.

Follow the progress throughout the day and watch Veterans United Home Loans, the nation’s largest VA mortgage lender, posts videos of life-changing surprises in Twitter, FacebookY Instagram.

A live indicator of the number of tweets (71,000 and counting) with the amount of contributions (almost $ 2 million so far) can be followed on

Hank Bolden just got the news that his mortgage was fully paid off. An atomic veteran who served in California, he was given only a few years to live after being exposed to radiation while on duty. He is now a jazz saxophone student at the University of Hartford, and is on track to complete his degree at the astonishing age of 83.

Watch the octogenarian discover that he no longer has to worry about his home loan.

In preparation for the campaign, the lender contacted Academy Award-nominated actor Gary Sinise to surprise Navy veteran Bill Day with the news that his entire mortgage had been paid off.

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“I?” Exclaims Bill, a single father of four who lives in Albany, NY. He looks shocked when he says, “I don’t deserve this.”

“You have served your country, you are taking good care of your family there and you are working hard. We want to do something for you, ”Sinise replies, smiling.

The shock on Bill’s face is obvious when he responds, “My son is in school right now, he’s very autistic, we’re having a lot of problems, this is just going to … You guys have no idea what you just did. ” me, ”she stops mid-sentence, crying. “Thanks, that’s all I can say.”

MORE: Gold Star families and military veterans now get free entry to any national park this Veterans Day and beyond

Login to Twitter now and send your tweet. All you need to say is five simple words: “Thank you for your service.” That’s.

All ready? You have just helped pay off a deserving person’s home loan.

Remember to watch the new veterans videos be surprised on YouTube throughout the day, and enjoy the collective power that a simple, heartfelt tweet can have to change people’s lives.

SAY “Thank you for your service” on Twitter today and ask all your friends to do the same …


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