For the woman who thinks too much, loves too much, and falls in love too easily, we know the struggle. Love should feel like a safety net, a place you can run to when the world seems to crumble under your feet. However, for overthinking women, even love doesn’t always provide that feeling of comfort. Love can make you overthink the more mundane things, making you question why you fall so much in love in the first place.
For you, love means giving your all for someone, without holding back or taking shortcuts. You see the depths of people’s souls and always remind them of what makes them wonderful. Even if they don’t always treat you the same way, you can’t help but have a big heart or choose to see the best in people. For you, falling in love means taking risks in the hope that someone else will see you this way, too.
Even the smallest things, like the way someone remembers your coffee order or how they laugh at stupid jokes, you fall in love a bit. You just appreciate people as they are and don’t feel the need to change them. Your accepting and understanding nature makes it easy to love people, but sometimes others take advantage of that. You’ve probably come across a lot of people who just want to drink and never reciprocate your good energy.
While this article focuses on the overthinking woman, we also recognize that it can easily be applied to men as well. Don’t get too bogged down in pronouns, we claim that men can overthink too.
The woman who thinks too often wears her heart on her sleeve
However, even with a seemingly perfect partner, you may find yourself doubting your love. If they seem too flawless, your mind begins to analyze your words and actions, overthinking all possible scenarios. Do they really love you as much as they say, or is it just for show? Maybe the love you have conjured up in your head doesn’t even exist at all.
These kinds of thoughts swirl in your head at night, making you go round and round for hours. For the woman who think too much and love too muchYou often feel misunderstood. It can seem like people just don’t have the ability to give or love as hard as you do, for whatever reason.
You completely pamper the person you love, filling them with attention and affection. Falling in love so much can make you vulnerable and distort your view of the person you are with. You may end up falling in love with the fantasy of love, without clearly seeing the red flags in front of you. You can think of someone’s world, and because you love them so much, you ignore the warning signs.
And they can be too cautious
On the other hand, wearing your heart on your sleeve can make you too cautious with life. Because you overanalyze everything, you can make up problems that don’t even exist in reality. Instead of just going with the flow and enjoying life as it presents itself, overthinking people delve into situations. If they have been hurt a lot in the past, they may start to believe that everyone in their life is trying to catch them.
For the woman who loves too much, she may find herself constantly oscillating between these two extremes. You want so much to give your love to someone, but you are afraid of being abused, so you withdraw. The woman who thinks too much did not become like this overnight; you usually have a good reason for it. People may have covered your eyes too many times, so now you keep your guard up.
Know your limits
However, you can still have a big heart and choose to set limits. For the overthinking woman, remember that you can have the best of both worlds. You can still enjoy life in the moment and love people without completely losing yourself. You can decide who to give your energy to and who to keep your distance from.
Empaths or very sensitive people They often have a hard time setting limits, but you must do so to keep your sanity. Not everyone should have access to you at all times, because then you will have nothing left to give. Also, remember that everyone loves differently. Just because they don’t speak the same love language as you doesn’t mean they don’t care about you.
At the end of the day, the overthinking woman may need reassurance from you. You may have been betrayed in the past and need to be reminded that you love and care for her. On those days when she feels insecure or lost in her own head, she may just need you to hold her a little more. For her, falling in love means giving herself completely, so take good care of her heart.
Also, to the woman who love too much, it does not need to change or dilute. Being sensitive and compassionate is not a weakness, and the world needs much more than you have. You just have to remember that when you love as much as you do, some people will hurt you. They will take advantage, misinterpret your soul, or simply not appreciate you for the beautiful person that you are.
Go where you feel free, where you feel like you don’t have to hold back. The right people will love your soul exactly the way it is and will not try to steal your energy. If you haven’t found your people yet, keep looking, because they’re out there. Continue to spread the sunlight wherever you go and don’t allow energy vampires to dim your light.
Don’t think too much, trust the universe
Everything in this universe comes back to you in some way, including love. So if you can give love without expecting anything in return, the law of karma will reward you. When you find true love, try to keep your balance. Don’t smother them, but don’t let insecurities push you too far away.
Falling in love often feels like the happiest time of your life, but it can also seem scary. Giving so much of your heart to someone can make you feel vulnerable, but this makes you human. When you fall in love with the right person, you don’t have to worry about protecting your heart. They will do that for you.
For the woman who thinks too much and loves too much, just remember that you can only live in the moment. You cannot predict the future or control others, so do your best to enjoy the people in your life. Who knows what the universe will bring in a month or a year, but you don’t need to worry about it. Living in the past or future means that you cannot immerse yourself in the life that happens now.
Pain goes with overthinking
The people around you may hurt you, decide to leave or stay by your side forever. With so many possibilities in life, we want to control something, which is why we often try to do this with the people in our lives. However, feeling the need to control anything takes away the joys in life. People will become something to worry about, rather than something to appreciate.
Life flows better when we can find a balance between needing to control and just letting go. Whether in relationships or with friends, try to love without expectations. If people hurt you, you can at least leave knowing that you did your best. If they decide to stay, you can give people your love a little more time.
For the woman who thinks too much, we understand her pain. You may feel like you need to know everything about a situation, but in reality, you may not be able to. Reading too much about life can end up distorting your view, making you see things that aren’t even there. Maybe sometimes things are exactly as they seem and we don’t have to try to decode anything.
Final thoughts for every woman who thinks too much and loves too much
Love feels confusing, exhausting, blissful, and comforting at the same time. For the woman who thinks too much, love does not always seem like a fairy tale. Depending on the person, it can be scary and cause many insecurities. Fell in love It means giving it all to someone, but how do you know they won’t break your heart?
Honestly, sometimes you can’t know people’s intentions. You just have to go with the flow and try to find people who appreciate your loving heart. It may take a while to find your people, but it often happens when you least expect it. Our advice? Try to enjoy the ups and downs of life and hold on when things get a little rough.