Our partner Rob Brezsny provides his weekly wisdom to illuminate our thinking and motivate our mood. Rob’s Free will astrology, is a weekly syndicated column that appears in more than a hundred publications. He is also the author of Pronoia is the antidote to paranoia: how all of creation is conspiring to shower you with blessings. (A free preview of the book is available here.)
Here’s your weekly horoscope …
FREE WILL ASTROLOGY – Week beginning September 24, 2021
Copyright by Rob Brezsny, FreeWillAstrology.com
LIBRA (from September 23 to October 22):
Happy birthday soon, Libra! As a gift, I have collected six helpful mini-oracles for you to meditate on for the rest of 2021. All are written by libra aphorist Yahia Lababidi. 1. Hope is more patient than despair and that is why it survives it. 2. Miracles are proud creatures; they will not be revealed to those who do not believe. 3. A good listener is one who helps us listen to ourselves. 4. A definition of success could be to refine our appetite and increase our hunger. 5. With enigmatic clarity, life gives us a different answer every time we ask the same question. 6. Temptation: seeds that we are forbidden to water, that are bathed in rain.
ESCORPION (from October 23 to November 21):
Pioneering psychologist Carl Jung wrote: “I must also have a dark side if I want to be complete.” But it is important to add that some dark sides tend to be destructive and demoralizing, while other dark sides are fertile and interesting. Most of us have a part of each. My reading of planetary omens suggests that you Scorpios now have additional power to enhance your relationship with the fertile and interesting aspects of your dark side. I hope you take advantage! You have a great opportunity to deepen and expand your integrity.
SAGITTARIUS (from November 22 to December 21):
Sagittarius poet Rainer Maria Rilke He was a complicated person with many mysterious emotions and intricate thoughts. And yet he once wrote that life occasionally brought him “limitless simplicity and joy.” I find it amazing that he could ever welcome such a state. Congratulations to him! And you, dear Sagittarius? Can you recognize when limitless simplicity and joy loom over your neighborhood, ready for you to take advantage of? If so, be more vigilant in the next two weeks. I guess there will be a visit or two. Maybe even three or four.
CAPRICORN (from December 22 to January 19):
Baltasar Gracian he was not a 21st century New Age self-help teacher. He was a 17th century Jesuit philosopher born under the serious and diligent sign of Capricorn. I hope you will be more receptive to your advice in the coming weeks. He wrote: “Learn about your key qualities, your outstanding gifts. Cultivate them. Redouble your use. “Among the key qualities you exemplified are disciplined discernment and resilient courage. I bring your thoughts to your attention because the next few weeks will be an exhilarating time to heed your advice. It is time for you to identify, celebrate and express your key qualities abundantly.
AQUARIUS (from January 20 to February 18):
After studying the genes that create feathers in birds, scientists discovered that humans have all the genes necessary to grow feathers. (I read it in National Geographic magazine.) So why don’t we grow feathers? Well, it is complicated. Basically, the genes that make feathers are not fully activated. Who knows? Perhaps one day, there will be technology that allows us to activate those genes and make the plumage sprout. In the next few weeks, it might be fun for you to imagine that you have bird qualities. You are entering a phase of high flights, a time for ascension, expansion, flight and seeing the big picture from high vantage points.
PISCES (February 19 to March 20):
Are there experimental approaches on the border of your desires that would be intriguing to consider? There may be lustful experiences that you have barely imagined or are not aware of, but could that be fun to play with? Based on my analysis of astrological omens, the next few weeks will be an auspicious time to explore such possibilities. Be safe and prudent, of course. Don’t be irresponsible or careless. But also be willing to expand your notions of sensuality.
ARIES (March 21 to April 19):
Aries Author Steve Maraboli says: “The best way to love someone is not to change him, but to help him reveal the best version of himself.” If that strategy appeals to you, the next eight weeks will be a great time to make the most of it. You are entering a phase where you can have an especially beneficial effect on the people you care for. You’ll have maximum power to help them unleash idle potentials and access untapped resources.
TAURUS (from April 20 to May 20):
It is a good time to reflect on the things that you wish could be a part of your life, but are not. It will be wise to develop a more conscious relationship with nostalgic fantasies about impossible dreams. Here’s a reason this is true: You may find that some seemingly impossible dreams aren’t that impossible. To get in the mood for this fun exercise, ponder a dreamy sample: “I wish I could spend a whole day discovering new music to love. I wish I had a horse and boat and a vintage brown and orange striped bohemian cardigan sweater from the 1970s. I wish I knew the names of all the flowers. I wish I was more comfortable revealing my hidden beauty. I wish I could figure out how to remove unnecessary stress from my life. “
GEMINI (from May 21 to June 20):
Poet, essayist and translator Anne Carson calls her husband Robert Currie the “Randomizer”. Your role in your life as a creative artist is to make outlandish recommendations to help you avoid being too predictable. He sends her in directions she could not have imagined herself. Here’s an example: At one point in her career, Carson confessed that she was bored with her writing. The Randomizer suggested: “Let’s put dancers.” In response, he reused the sonnets he had been working on in a live stage performance with many dancers. I think you would benefit from having a Randomizer in your life for the next few weeks. Do you know someone who can serve? If not, find one. Or be your own Randomizer.
CANCER (from June 21 to July 22):
If you want, you can travel to Munich, Germany and eat beer-flavored ice cream. Or you can go to Rehoboth, Delaware and buy bacon-flavored ice cream. If you were in Taiwan, you could enjoy a pineapple and shrimp ice cream, and if you were in London, you could try a haggis-flavored ice cream, made with sheep innards. But my advice right now is to stick with the old trusty ones like chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry ice cream, which are still delicious even if they’re not exotic. What is my reasoning? In general, astrological aspects suggest that over the next several weeks, you are more likely to thrive with trusted resources and experiences you know and trust.
LEO (July 23 to August 22):
Famous novelist Jane Austen (1775-1817) wrote: “Sometimes I have kept my feelings to myself because I could not find a language to describe them.” People who are not as articulate as Austen experience this problem more often than she does. But the good news, Leo, is that in the coming weeks you will be more adept at expressing your feelings and thoughts, even those that have been difficult to put into words in the past. I invite you to make the most of this grace period. Communicate with poise and cheerful abandon.
VIRGO (from August 23 to September 22):
“When you know what is important, it is much easier to ignore what is not,” writes author and life coach Marie Forleo. Let’s make thought the basis of your work and play for the next few weeks. Get vibrant clarity on what is of supreme value to you, what influences bring out the best in you, and what people make it easy for you to be yourself. Then make a second list of trivial situations that are of less concern, influences that make you feel insensitive, and people who don’t fully appreciate you. Then, Virgo, formulate long-term plans to phase things out on the second list as you increasingly emphasize your involvement in the pleasures named on the first list.
THEY WANT MORE? Listen to Rob’s EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES, 4-5 minute meditations on the current state of your destination, or subscribe to his exclusive daily texting service at: RealAstrology.com
(Zodiac images by Numerologysign.com, CC License)
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