Our partner Rob Brezsny provides his weekly wisdom to illuminate our thinking and motivate our mood. Rob’s Free will astrology, is a weekly syndicated column that appears in more than a hundred publications. He is also the author of Pronoia is the antidote to paranoia: how all of creation is conspiring to shower you with blessings. (A free preview of the book is available here.)
Here’s your weekly horoscope …
FREE WILL ASTROLOGY – Week beginning July 16, 2021
Copyright by Rob Brezsny, FreeWillAstrology.com
CANCER (from June 21 to July 22):
Cancer poet Linda Hogan she says she doesn’t like being dry. It wants to be like “a tree drinking the rain.” I believe that all Cancerians have similar dreams: to be constantly immersed in absorbing feelings, flooded with intimate longings, flowing to the rhythm of the songs of the soul. The next few weeks will be the best time for you to indulge in these primary pleasures. It’s probably best to avoid a total flood, but I think it’s wise to invite a waterfall.
LEO (July 23 to August 22):
Actor Lupita Nyong’o had a starring role in director Steve McQueen’s film 12 years of slavery. She praised his skills as a director. She loved the fact that he told her, “Fail, and then fail better.” Why? “That kind of environment, where failure is an option, it’s magical,” he said. It allowed her to experiment freely, push herself beyond her previous limits, and focus on being true to the character she was playing rather than trying to be a “good actress.” I think these are excellent principles for you to keep in mind for the next few weeks.
VIRGO (from August 23 to September 22):
Born in virgo Wayne shorter is a legendary jazz composer and saxophonist. He has been making music for over 60 years, often with other legendary creators like Miles Davis and Herbie Hancock. Tthe New York Times he described Shorter as “the best live jazz composer for small groups and an aspiring best live improviser.” Bass prodigy Tal Wilkenfeld, 53 years younger than Shorter, tells the story of a show she performed with him. Just before going on stage, Shorter approached her, sensing that she was nervous, and whispered advice: “Play to eternity.” Now I am offering you that same advice as you carry out your duties in the days to come. Be as timeless as you dare to be. Immerse yourself in the most expansive sensations you can imagine. Authorize your immortal soul to take over everything you do.
LIBRA (from September 23 to October 22):
Libra author Paula McLain says the word “paradise” is derived from the old Persian word pairidaeza, which means “walled garden”. For her, this association suggests that making promises and being faithful to our intentions are key to generating happiness in those we love. Paradise requires walls! To scrupulously cultivate freedom, we need discipline. If we hope to thrive on joyful self-expression, we must focus on specific goals. I draw your attention to these thoughts because now is a crucial time to work on building, refining, and reinforcing your own personal version of paradise.
ESCORPION (from October 23 to November 21):
Thousands of 28 pound bars of 24 karat gold are stored in the underground vault of the Bank of England. To access the treasure, bankers use meter-long metal keys. They must also speak a secret password into a microphone. According to my reading of astrological omens, you Scorpios can now gain access to a more metaphorical but nonetheless substantial source of wealth. How? The key is a particular scene in your imagination that has recently begun to merge. It is an emblem of a future triumph or advancement that you will achieve. As for the password, which you will also need, it is * rigorous *.
SAGITTARIUS (from November 22 to December 21):
Somehow, I have lived all these years without ever encountering the rare English word “selcouth.” Today, as I was meditating on the exotic astrological omens that lie ahead for you, that word popped up, reaching my phone through a text message from my Sagittarius friend, Lila. She told me: “I have a feeling that life is about to get intense selcouth for us Sagittarians. “I looked up the unknown word and found these synonyms: unusual, wonderful, strange, magnificent, rare, wonderful, strange, rare and exotic. In fact, those terms match my interpretation of your immediate future. So Happy Selcouth to you, dear Centaur! Celebrate with great appreciation!
CAPRICORN (from December 22 to January 19):
Lexicographer Jonathon Green provides us with the following 19th century slang words for intercourse: horizontal snacking, strumming, game play, cully-shangie, going for a ride in Mount Pleasant, blanket trumpet dancing, honey bee, giving a hot poultice for the Irish. toothache and, my favorite, pokum fandango. In accordance with the astrological potentials, experiment by changing your approach to life by being more playful.
AQUARIUS (from January 20 to February 18):
If a lover or spouse is perpetually fantasizing about you in their imagination, they may not be fully in tune with your true self. Instead, they may be focused on the images they have of you, perhaps so much that they lose sight of who you genuinely are and what you are actually doing. The same possibility exists for other allies, not just lovers and spouses. They may be so fascinated by their stories about you that they are not in touch with the ever-changing wonder that you are always evolving. That’s the bad news, Aquarius. Here’s the good news: The next few weeks will be a watershed time to correct such distortions and feast on the stark truth about yourself.
PISCES (February 19 to March 20):
This is how the art critic Walter Pater characterized the work of the Piscean artist Miguel Angel: “Sweetness and strength, pleasure with surprise, an energy of conception that seems to break all conditions beautifully, recovering, touch by touch, a beauty that is generally found only in the simplest natural things.” I have been waiting for the arrival of astrological aspects that would mean that you would be an embodiment of that description. And now they are here. Congratulations! For the next 13 days, I will envision you as an ever-refreshing fountain of grace, a fluid treasure that exudes refined beauty and wild innocence.
ARIES (March 21 to April 19):
In his poem Litany, Aries poet Billy Collins testifies that he is “the sound of rain on the roof.” It also claims to be “the moon in the trees, the paper flying down an alley, the basket of chestnuts on the kitchen table, and the shooting star.” However, he makes it clear that he is not “the bread and the knife” on the table, nor the “crystal cup and the wine.” And you, Aries? What are all the fiery earthly phenomena that you are? You’re like Billy collins suggests, “the dew on the morning grass and the burning wheel of the sun and the swamp birds suddenly in flight”? Now would be a great time to dream up your own version of such colorful biographical details.
TAURUS (from April 20 to May 20):
“Why else keep a journal, if not to examine your own dirt?” wrote the poet Anne Sexton. Most of us don’t need to obsessively focus on our unpleasant aspects, so journaling can be about identifying our potentials for maturation and unused riches. This approach would be especially fun and wise for you Taurus right now. The next few weeks will be a time for deep introspection that unlocks abilities and powers that you have only partially activated so far.
GEMINI (from May 21 to June 20):
Journalist Sam Anderson marvels at his young daughter’s project: a small dome-shaped plastic structure that houses a community of ladybugs. All they need to consume, for weeks at a time, is “two raisins soaked in water.” I don’t think you always have to be as efficient and tough as those ladybugs, Gemini, but you may have to be that way temporarily. My advice? Do not consider it a difficulty. Instead, see it as an opportunity to discover just how exquisitely resourceful and tough it can be. The skills you learn and perfect now will be priceless in the long run.
THEY WANT MORE? Listen to Rob’s EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES, 4-5 minute meditations on the current status of your destination, or subscribe to his exclusive daily texting service at: RealAstrology.com
(Zodiac images by Numerologysign.com, CC License)
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