Our partner Rob Brezsny provides his weekly wisdom to illuminate our thinking and motivate our mood. Rob’s Free will astrology, is a weekly syndicated column that appears in more than a hundred publications. He is also the author of Pronoia is the antidote to paranoia: how all of creation is conspiring to shower you with blessings. (A free preview of the book is available here.)
Here’s your weekly horoscope …
FREE WILL ASTROLOGY – Week beginning July 9, 2021
Copyright by Rob Brezsny, FreeWillAstrology.com
CANCER (from June 21 to July 22):
Cancer author Vladimir Mayakovsky He wrote a poem about how one morning he went half mad and talked to the sun. At first, he called the ultimate blaze a “lazy clown,” complaining that it simply floated in the sky for hours while he, Mayakovsky, worked diligently at his daily job painting posters. Then he dared to let the sun go down and have tea with him, which, to his surprise, the sun did. The poet was agitated and worried, what if the approach of the brilliant deity proved dangerous? But the visitor turned out to be friendly. They had a pleasant dialogue, and in the end, the sun promised to provide additional inspiration for future Mayakovsky poetry. I invite you to try something equally lyrical and daring, dear Cancer.
LEO (July 23 to August 22):
A blogger named Bunny-Gal writes: “For a while I almost completely forgot who I was. But then I dug a hole and smelled the fresh earth and now I remember everything and I am fine. “I recommend that you follow her example, Leo, even if you have not totally lost contact with your essence. Communicate with Mother Earth in the most straightforward and graphic to remind you of everything you need to remember: the wisdom you’ve lost sight of and the secrets you’ve hidden too well and the urgent insights that are boiling just below the surface of your consciousness.
VIRGO (from August 23 to September 22):
I cannot understand the self-help gurus who advise us to live relentlessly in the present moment, to shed all consciousness of the past and future to focus on the eternal NOW. I mean, I appreciate the courage to do such an exercise every now and then for a few moments. I have tried it and it is often rejuvenating. But it can also be foolish not to think about yesterday and tomorrow. We need to assess how circumstances will evolve, based on our previous experience and future projections. Trying to shed the rich history in which we are always immersed can be an act that weakens and exhausts us. In any case, Virgo, I advise you to be fully aware of your past and your future in the next few days. Doing so will improve your intelligence and soul in the right way to make good decisions.
LIBRA (from September 23 to October 22):
Psychotherapist and author Clarissa Pinkola Estés poetically he refers to the source of our creativity as “the river below the river.” It is the profound primary energy that “nourishes everything we do”, our “writing, painting, thinking, healing, action, cooking, conversation, smiling”. This river below the river does not belong to any of us, it is potentially available to all, but if harnessed correctly it works in a very personal way, fueling our unique talents. I bring this to your attention, Libra, because you are close to gaining a new and abundant access to the power of the river below the river.
ESCORPION (from October 23 to November 21):
When formulating personal goals, Scorpio author Brené Brown urges us to emphasize growth rather than perfection. Trying to improve is a healthier goal than seeking flawless mastery. Bonus benefit: This hands-on approach makes us much less susceptible to embarrassment. We are not as likely to feel like a failure or to give up prematurely on our projects. I wholeheartedly support this strategy for you right now, Scorpio.
SAGITTARIUS (from November 22 to December 21):
In a letter to Jean Paul Sartre, author Simone de Beauvoir described how he was dealing with a series of challenging memories: “I am reliving it street by street, hour by hour, with the mission of neutralizing it and transforming it into a harmless past that I can keep in my heart without repudiating or suffering for it.” I LOVE This approach! It is packed with emotional intelligence. I recommend it now, as it is time to discuss and deal with parts of your life story that need to be alchemically transformed and redeemed by your love and wisdom.
CAPRICORN (from December 22 to January 19):
In one of his poems, Capricorn Kenneth rexroth he complains of having “a crooked guide on the crooked path of love.” But in my opinion, a crooked guide is the best. It is not wise to hire the services of an accomplice of love who is always looking for the simplest and most straight route, or who imagines that the intimate union can be nurtured with easy and obvious solutions. To cultivate the most interesting intimacy, we need influences who appreciate nuance and complexity, who thrive on navigating tricky puzzles and unpredictable answers. The next eight weeks will be an excellent time for you Capricorn to follow this advice.
AQUARIUS (from January 20 to February 18):
Aquarius singer That james (1938–2012) won six Grammy Awards and is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the Grammy Hall of Fame, and the Blues Hall of Fame. She testified, “Most of the songs I sing have that bluesy feel to it. They have that feeling of grief. And I don’t know what I regret. “Wow! I’m surprised to hear this. Most singers draw on their personal life experience to infuse their singing with genuine emotion. In any case, I urge you to do the opposite of Etta. James in the coming weeks It is important to the future of your healing that you identify exactly what you are regretting.
PISCES (from February 19 to March 20):
“Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn,” writes the Pisces self-help author. John C. Maxwell. His statement is useful, but it has a troublesome implication. It suggests that you can experience winning or learning, but not both, that the only time you learn is when you lose. I do not agree with this presumption. In fact, I think you are now in a phase where it is possible and even likely that you will both win and learn.
ARIES (March 21 to April 19):
Poet Joshua Jennifer Espinoza writes, “I name my body after the girl of my dreams / I name the proximity of my body / I name my body full of hope despite everything.” I love your idea that we could give our bodies fun names, titles, and descriptions. In keeping with current astrological omens, I propose that you do just that. It is time to take your relationship with your beautiful body to a higher level. How about calling it “Exciting River of Love” or “Perfectly Imperfect Emotion” or “Amazing Labyrinth”? Have fun dreaming of more possibilities!
TAURUS (from April 20 to May 20):
The English language, my mother tongue, does not attribute genders to its nouns. But many languages do. In Spanish, the word for “bridge” is bridge, which is male. In German, “bridge” is bridge, which is feminine. A blogger named Tickettome says this is why Spanish speakers may describe a bridge as strong or sturdy, while Germans refer to it as elegant or beautiful. I encourage you to meditate on bridges that possess the full range of qualities, including Spanish and German notions. In the coming weeks, it will be wise to build new metaphorical bridges, repair broken ones, and put out fires on burning bridges.
GEMINI (from May 21 to June 20):
Académie Française is an organization dedicated to preserving the purity and integrity of the French language. One of its ongoing missions is to resist the casual incorporation of English words, which the younger generation of Frenchmen tend to do. The Académie will not give official approval to, for example, podcast, clickbait, chick-lit, deadline or hashtag. I appreciate the noble intentions of the Academy, but regard their crusade as a losing battle that has minimal impact. In the coming weeks, I advise you to refrain from behaviors that resemble those of the Academy. Resist the temptation of quixotic idealism. You Geminis often thrive in environments that welcome idiosyncrasy, improvisation, informality, and experimentation, especially now.
THEY WANT MORE? Listen to Rob’s EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES, 4-5 minute meditations on the current status of your destination, or subscribe to his exclusive daily texting service at: RealAstrology.com
(Zodiac images by Numerologysign.com, CC License)
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