Our partner Rob Brezsny provides his weekly wisdom to illuminate our thinking and motivate our mood. Rob’s Free will astrology, is a weekly syndicated column that appears in more than a hundred publications. He is also the author of Pronoia is the antidote to paranoia: how all of creation is conspiring to shower you with blessings. (A free preview of the book is available here.)
Here’s your weekly horoscope …
FREE WILL ASTROLOGY – Week beginning June 10, 2021
Copyright by Rob Brezsny, FreeWillAstrology.com
GEMINI (from May 21 to June 20):
I’m glad you’re not on planet Saturn right now. The winds there can blow at 1,000 miles per hour. But I would like you to feel a cool breeze while wandering through nature here on Earth. Why? Because according to my interpretation of current astrological omens, the winds will have a cleansing effect on you. They will clear your mind of irrelevant and trivial concerns. They will elevate your thoughts and your feelings. Do you know the origin of the English word “inspire”? It’s from the Latin word inspire, which means “to blow, to blow by spirit”. Its figurative meaning is “inspire, excite, inflame”. The related Latin word spirit it refers to “a breath of wind” and “breath of a god” – hence “inspiration; breath of life.”
CANCER (from June 21 to July 22):
Cancer author Franz kafka put his characters in surreal dilemmas. In his novel MetamorphosisFor example, the hero wakes up one day to discover that he has transformed into a giant insect. Yet despite his wild imagination, Kafka had a pragmatic relationship with consumerism. “I don’t read ads,” he said. “I would spend all my time wanting things.” In keeping with astrological omens, I invite you to adopt your earthly attitude for the next two weeks. Take a break from wanting things, period. Experiment with feeling free of all the longings that constantly demand your attention. Please note: this pause in action won’t be forever. It’s just a vacation. When you want things again, your priorities will have been realigned and healed, and you will feel refreshed.
LEO (July 23 to August 22):
Author Umberto Eco declared that beauty is boring because “you must always follow certain rules.” A beautiful nose must be the right size and shape, he said, while an “ugly nose” can be ugly in a million different and unpredictable ways. I find its definition narrow and boring, and I prefer that of the philosopher Francis Bacon, who wrote: “There is no excellent beauty that does not have some strangeness in proportion.” The poet Charles Baudelaire agreed, saying: “That which is not slightly distorted lacks sensible appeal: from which it follows that irregularity, that is, the unexpected, surprise and amazement, is an essential and characteristic part of the beauty”. Then there is the Japanese concept of wabi-sabi, which reveres beauty that is imperfect, transitory, and incomplete. From now on, and for the rest of 2021, Leo, I encourage you to ignore the boring beauty of Eco and cultivate your relationship with the most interesting.
VIRGO (from August 23 to September 22):
One of the most evocative passages in JRR Tolkien’s novel The return of the King it is about the warrior Éowyn. He says: “Then Éowyn’s heart changed, or she finally understood. And suddenly her winter passed and the sun shone on her. “I am predicting a comparable transformation for you in the near future, Virgo. There will be a fundamental change in the way your heart understands life. When that happens, you will clearly understand some secrets about your heart that were previously vague or inaccessible, and then the sun will shine on you with an extra brightness.
LIBRA (from September 23 to October 22):
Actor and author libra Carrie Fisher he had more internal demons than average. However, she accomplished a lot, she was nominated, and she won many professional awards. Here’s the advice she gave: “Stay scared, but do it anyway. The important thing is action. You don’t have to wait to be confident. “I hope you employ that strategy in the coming weeks, dear Libra. The time is ripe for you to work hard on your number one goal, no matter what your emotions may be at a particular moment.
ESCORPION (from October 23 to November 21):
Scorpio Author Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) had a gambling addiction for many years. At one point, he lost so much money gambling at roulette that he had to take drastic measures. He wrote a novel in record time — just 16 days — in order to raise money to pay off his debt. The story was titled The player. His hero was a not very successful player. Is there a comparable antidote in your future, Scorpio? A tactic that somehow makes use of the problem to generate the cure? I suspect there is.
SAGITTARIUS (from November 22 to December 21):
In his poem “Escape”, Michelle Tudor addresses a lover: “Inside you: a furious dream to be released.” She hints that she would like to be a collaborator who provides assistance and inspiration in releasing her partner’s dream. The next few weeks will be a great time to make a similar offer to an ally you care about, and to ask that ally to do the same for you. And by the way: What is the dream within you that is eager to be released? And what is the dream within your comrade?
CAPRICORN (from December 22 to January 19):
Author Martha Beck has helpful tips that you can keep turning to for weeks to come. “You don’t need to know exactly what your ideal life will be like,” he writes. “You just have to know what feels better and what feels worse. Start making decisions based on what makes you feel the most free and happy, rather than what you think an ideal life should look like. It is the process of feeling our way to happiness, not the realization of the Platonic ideal, that creates our best lives. “
AQUARIUS (from January 20 to February 18):
Aquarius Author James dickey celebrated “the holy secret of flow.” But he added: “You must be cut out for that.” In other words, he hinted that the secret of flow is a luxury that only some of us have access to. And because “we must be made for that,” he seemed to suggest that being in possession of the secret of flow is due to luck, genetics, or privilege. But I reject that theory. I believe that anyone can access the secret of flow if they have the desire and intention to do so. Like you! Right now! You are ready to cultivate a strong relationship with the sacred flow.
PISCES (February 19 to March 20):
Why do humans enjoy much longer lives than other higher primates? Here’s a reason: grandmothers. Anthropologists propose that early in our evolution, families with older women especially prospered. The grandmothers helped care for the children, ensuring better health for all, as well as a higher reproductive rate than the pups without a grandmother. Their longevity genes were passed down, creating more grandmothers. Lucky! Having older women around as we grow up has been key to the success of many of us. In keeping with astrological omens, I invite you to celebrate and honor the role that your own grandmothers and old women have played in your life. And if you are a grandmother, celebrate and honor yourself!
ARIES (March 21 to April 19):
Aries actor Leonard Nimoy became very famous playing the role of Spock, an alien from the planet Vulcan in the Star Trek franchise. He always liked the role, but in 1975 he wrote an autobiography called I’m not spock. In it, he clarified how different he was from the character he played. In 1995, Nimoy published a follow-up autobiography, I am spock, in which he described the ways in which he was similar to the fictional alien. In the spirit of Nimoy’s expansive self-definition, Aries, and in keeping with current astrological potentials, I invite you to make it clear to people who exactly you are and who you are not.
TAURUS (from April 20 to May 20):
The poet Rumi He declared: “A lover has four streams inside, of water, wine, honey and milk.” With that in mind, Taurus, I will recommend that you look for a boost in the honey department. Your passions and feelings have been flowing very well, but lately they have been lacking some sweetness. As a result, you are not receiving as much sweetness that you need from the world around you. So your task is to intensify the flow of honey within you! Remember the principle, “Similar attracts similar.”
THEY WANT MORE? Listen to Rob’s EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES, 4-5 minute meditations on the current status of your destination, or subscribe to his exclusive daily texting service at: RealAstrology.com
(Zodiac images by Numerologysign.com, CC License)
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