Teachers and Students Receive School Essentials Thanks to T-Mobile’s Million Dollar Donation


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After more than a year of empty classrooms, dusty bookshelves, and quiet playgrounds, many students in the US are finally heading back to school. For teachers, that means working to gather vital school supplies to cover classroom work and fun.

Unfortunately, teachers are often forced to juggle tight budgets to cover all the essentials. Thankfully, DonorsChoose.org It has become a fantastic platform to fill any gaps, and T-Mobile is stepping in to help with a $ 1,000,000 donation.

DonorsChoose allows educators to request from the public the materials they need for the classroom to ensure student success. For example, in Minnesota, Mrs. Wamsley is ordering an SD card and camera bag for her yearbook class. In New Jersey, Ms. Trasferini would like to have a book corner for her second grade class. And Mrs. Robertson would like your help purchasing an easel pad and headphones for her first graders.

With the $ 1 million donation from T-Mobile, DonorsChoose will be able to fulfill these and other requests and help drive the transition back to an in-person learning environment. DonorsChoose makes the process easy by purchasing and shipping items directly to the school and sending a thank you note to the donor.

“This upcoming school year could be the most important of our generation, and teachers will need all the encouragement we can give them as many return to the classroom,” says DonorsChoose founder and CEO Charles Best. “T-Mobile’s gift to teachers will help students start the year strong and support them through a time of readjustment.”

But getting basic school supplies is only half the battle. Stay-at-home orders implemented in many states forced families to work and learn from home for months, relying on high-speed internet and wireless connectivity. Over the past year, the lack of internet at home has substantially widened the digital divide for many students. T-Mobile has stepped up to help mitigate this technological burden.

This year, T-Mobile continues its work with 10Million Project—Your $ 10.7 billion initiative to provide 10 million underserved households with free Internet and mobile hotspots over the next 10 years.

“Back to school is special this year,” acknowledges Jon Freier, executive vice president of the Consumer Group at T-Mobile. “It represents going back to so much more than we have missed, after a really difficult year for families, teachers and students. That’s why T-Mobile is growing here to help everyone stay connected to America’s largest, fastest and most reliable 5G network. “

For families, teachers and students preparing for a new school year and looking for a new phone, T-Mobile is now offering iPhone 12 on us When you switch and activate the Magenta MAX rate plan, no exchange is required. But if you want to trade in your old device, you can get an iPhone 12 Pro on our own when you trade, trade in a device, and activate it in Magenta MAX.


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