Stunning Photos of This Morning’s ‘Super Flower Blood Moon’ Eclipse (LOOK)


If you got up early this morning to see the first lunar eclipse in more than two years, however, all you have to show for your experience is a picture of a small bright red spot in a dark sky, that is not necessarily a sign. bad photography. skills, just the lack of a telephoto lens.

Long focus lenses can be used to make the moon appear much closer than it is, creating some truly spectacular photos.

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A few hours ago, in many parts of the world, the eclipse of sunlight on Earth it overshadowed our lunar neighbor, turning it a deep and impressive red, hence the name Blood Moon. Or even Super Flower Blood Moon.

Take a look at the images these photographers captured and shared on Instagram, and let us know if you got a great photo too.

This view from the red rocks of Utah is otherworldly

Some post-processing work made the most of the Taiwan eclipse

An aerospace engineer from California took this photo.

A partial eclipse photographed in the wild of California

Illuminated clouds add extra drama to this stunning scene

This British Columbia photographer captured the stars, trees, and the moon all in one image

A mauve sunrise created for this beautiful Florida image

LIGHT UP your friends’ news with these photos …


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