Stunning Great Conjunction Photos to Brighten Spirits This December


The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn brought stargazers outside last night to try and see a once-in-a-lifetime event.

If it was cloudy or foggy and you couldn’t see the ‘Christmas Star’ on the winter solstice? It is not to worry. Everywhere from Iran to California, photographers took dazzling images of two planets that look visibly closer to each other than they have done in 800 years, since medieval times.

Let’s take a look at some shots from December 21 from around the world.

This impressive image of Mount Wilson in California required the stacking of more than 20,000 frames.

Could the views from Colorado Springs be more festive?

A little double exposure photo trick and a reindeer-shaped Joshua tree created this magical image.

The Great Conjunction seen over British Columbia’s wonderful Cupcake Island.

In some parts of the world, like the Black Hills in South Dakota, the drama swept through the skies.

A clear afternoon over the Iranian mountains led to this incredible photo being taken.

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