Science Explains 7 Reasons to Eat More Peanut Butter


Is there anything creamier and more dreamy than peanut butter? It goes well with toast, medium chocolate, or eating a heaping scoop of this treat on its own. What would a PB and J be without the gooey nutty goodness?

If you’re a fan of all things crazy, you’ll be happy to know that peanut butter is perfect for you. Peanuts are legumes and not actually tree nuts. Regardless, its health benefits are undeniable.

The wonderful thing about this sticky paste is that it is good for you. While it is significantly higher in calories than you would like, it has all kinds of good fats and protein that your body needs. Whether you’re watching your waistline or trying a specialized diet like Keto, you’ll find that you can tailor this nutty treat into your meal plan.

Seven Great Reasons You Should Eat More Peanut Butter

If you need an excuse to eat more nut spreads, you can look to science and its findings to support your cravings. You can eat peanut butter and not feel guilty as it is a nutritious snack and is a perfect addition to frosting, cakes, pies, and even sauces for Asian-inspired dishes.

Now keep in mind that when the experts talk about eating more PB, they are referring to unprocessed organic varieties. Most of the things you get in stores are loaded with sugar and salt and are not as good for you as the natural ones. Without further ado, here are seven reasons why you should eat more peanut butter.

1. It is a great source of protein

Your body needs protein for every tissue and part of your system. Peanuts are a plant-based source that is one of many healthy eating options. The PB content is about 25 percent protein, which means it can keep you full longer.

The vitamin and mineral content of this nut butter is staggering, and it’s also a great source of dietary fiber. To ensure that you are getting all the essential amino acids your body needs, you need to get several types of protein. Vegetarians rely on a nut spread to make sure they get the protein your body needs.

2. It can help you lose weight

One of the biggest problems with dieting is that you are hungry. Fortunately, peanut butter can help you feel full longer, which is essential for eating less and losing weight. You must be careful and remember to eat this pasta in moderation.

One teaspoon of organic peanut butter with no additives equals about 90 calories. So if you choose to eat it by the spoonful, you can see the calories add up. While proper diet and exercise should be your option if you want to lose weight, it doesn’t hurt to add a little bit of this nutty mix to the mix.

3. It’s great for those with diabetes

When your insulin levels are misplaced in your body, you need a lot of fiber to help keep your sugar levels in check. Organic PB is high in fiber, protein, and a good amount of healthy fats. The good news is that it won’t spike your glucose levels, so if you have diabetes, it’s a great option.

PB is packed with oleic acid, a type of monounsaturated fat that is essential for your health. You need this healthy fat to lower your cholesterol levels. This acid is known to improve insulin sensitivity.

You can’t forget about high magnesium levels. This nut cream contains as it is an essential mineral for people with diabetes.

4. It is excellent for cardiovascular health

Would it surprise you to learn that PB is a good source of vitamin E and can reduce your chances of heart disease? Some scientists compare PB to olive oil due to the balance of saturated and unsaturated fats it contains.

While all nuts and legumes are good for your heart health, have you seen the price of a bag of mixed nuts these days? It can be quite expensive to eat healthy things like cashews or almond butter. However, peanut butter is a very profitable option for your heart health which is delicious as nutritious.

5. It is rich in antioxidants

A healthy diet consists of consuming whole and unprocessed foods. When you select an organic variety of PB made only from nuts, you are getting more vitamins and minerals than the average amount. Nature packed these nuts with health benefits like antioxidants, which are essential for destroying free radicals that can cause cancer, heart disease, and make you sick.

6. It is packed with vitamins and minerals

Eating whole, unprocessed foods allows you to keep all the huge nutritional benefits intact. If you were to eat a 100 gram serving of PB, it contains the following supplements for your daily needs:

  • 45 percent vitamin E
  • 67 percent vitamin B3
  • 73 percent manganese
  • 30 percent magnesium

You should also be aware that this delicious spread also has significant levels of copper, iron, folate, zinc, potassium, and selenium. Who needs a daily supplement when you can eat something as satisfying and nutritious as PB?

7. May reduce the risk of breast cancer

This year, the Center for Disease Control estimated that there would be 276,480 new cases of invasive breast cancer. In addition, there will be another 48,530 people who will have the non-invasive variety. With more than 325,000 people affected, there must be a way to stop this deadly progression of cancer.

BBD or benign breast disease It is a common occurrence that causes lumps or lumpy tissue to form in the breast tissue. While BBD is not initially harmful, it commonly turns into a malignancy. Experts say that it is the most important cause of breast cancer that exists.

Parents should encourage their children to spread on the nut butter. It has been shown to reduce the chances of developing BBD when consumed regularly before the age of 30. If you have a family history of breast cancer, you should include PB in your family meal plans. Studies show that it can reduce your chances of developing this cancer significantly.

Learn why you should add nuts to your menu.

Choosing the right pasta for you

You can’t argue with the facts of a scientist, but how do you choose the right nut butter for you? Walking around your grocery store gives you hundreds of options for PB options, and you might be confused about what is best. To get the full health benefits of this famous strain, you need to be sure to read the labels.

You want to buy margin that is not processed or is at least minimally managed. When they apply heat during the manufacturing process, it destroys valuable health benefits. One of the most important ways to tell if you are buying a natural spread is by separating the oil and nuts you see.

It is completely normal to see about a half inch of oil at the top of the jar, which is a sign that it is not processed. Once you take it home and give it a quick stir, the natural PB should be stored in the refrigerator. Not only will it last longer, but it will never separate again.

Ways to incorporate healthier PB into your diet

If you’ve run out of ideas on how to use this healthy spread in your diet, then you need to think outside of the box. Why not add a couple of scoops to a smoothie for breakfast? Try this amazing recipe:

  • 1/3 cup oatmeal
  • Two frozen medium bananas
  • 1-2 tablespoons PB
  • Pinch of salt
  • Add a little almond milk until you get the desired consistency.

Blend well until all the ingredients are well mixed. Garnish with some chopped walnuts or even a low-fat whipped cream. You’ll get a protein punch and have a delicious and nutritious breakfast to go.

If smoothies aren’t your thing, why not add a couple of tablespoons of PB to your piping hot oatmeal? There is no need for maple syrup with tons of calories and sugar when you have natural options like these. Other options include spreading the pecan with apples, bananas, or even in rice cakes.

Final thoughts on how to enjoy peanut butter more often

Keep in mind that PB can be high in calories, saturated fat, and sodium, so make sure you buy the best brand that has the least amount of additives. Also, if you want to make sure you’re getting something healthy, you can make yours with a blender or food processor and some nuts.

How do you know if you are overeating? Well, if you’re sitting with a jar and spoon for a snack, you’re probably overdoing it. Remember, it is not healthy to eat the entire jar and review your calorie count for the day.

Don’t worry if you have a nut allergy that stops you from enjoying peanut butter, as there are other nut pastes with less risk. However, adding PB to your diet at least three times a week has been shown to have a host of benefits.


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