Sagittarius Horoscope January 2021 — Love and Career Predictions

Read what your sign’s 2021 horoscope predictions have in store for you or check out the Sagittarius personality profile. 

Welcome to January of 2021, Sagittarius! You’re effortlessly charismatic (if a bit loud at times), but December 2020 saw you tapping into your softer side. After all, with the holidays disrupted by the pandemic, your options were either to sulk and wallow or adjust with the times. When fighter planet Mars, which rules the primal energy of sex and war, enters sensual Taurus and your 6th House of Health on Wednesday, January 6, you’ll be glad you opted for therapy, baths, and reaching out to loved ones virtually rather than throwing tantrums. Between the pandemic itself and all the other chaos that’s occurred over the last year, there’s never been a more important time to prioritize reducing our stress. 

The sky is busy on Friday, January 8, when messenger planet Mercury enters Aquarius and your 3rd House of Communication. It becomes easier than ever to tell people (especially romantic partners or interests) what you need. Speaking your opinionated mind is rarely an issue, though you do sometimes shove your needs down to stay in relationships or try and please others. The detached vibes of air sign Aquarius floating through your communication house help you be direct and level-headed.

On this same date, Friday, January 8, Venus, goddess of money, beauty, and love enters professional Capricorn and your 2nd House of Finances. It would be irresponsible not to add a caveat that astrology can only do so much in this economy, but the stars are in your favor on this date, and you may receive some good financial news. If you do come into some cash, don’t spend it all at once, spontaneous Sag; it’s important to learn the benefits of saving right now. 

Moderation is not a word that Sagittarius is fond of. You’re all about going big or going home, whether it’s taking business risks for the sake of growth (you are the sign of expansion, after all) or asking your partner to move in on a whim. However, when your ruling planet, lucky Jupiter, squares innovative Uranus on Sunday, January 17, risks can lead to sudden, swift changes — and not all of them may be good. Play it a little safe around this time. You can elope with your sweetie or drop wads of cash on a professional venture another month.

Aloof Aquarius season begins on Tuesday, January 19, making dialing it down a little bit easier. Just try to take it slow and enjoy the moment this month. This becomes even more important when the first Mercury retrograde of the year begins on Saturday, January 30, also in Aquarius. The logical nature of this air sign makes this Mercury retrograde easier than most, but continue to double-check for typos, make sure that you’re not sexting the wrong person, and avoid hitting up your problematic ex the moment you get bored and horny. Stay cool and see you in February, Sag. 

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We know many of you may be feeling worried, frightened, or isolated right now. Although the stars don’t have answers to the multitude of questions running through all of our minds, astrology may at least provide some comfort during times of uncertainty. We urge you to donate to one or all of these organizations if you’re able to. If you can’t, we created a guide to ways you can support the BLM movement other than financially.

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