Capricorn Horoscope January 2021 — Love and Career Predictions

Read what your sign’s 2021 horoscope predictions have in store for you or check out the Capricorn personality profile.

Welcome to January, Capricorn. You’re one of the hardest-working signs of the zodiac, but as a result, you can put too much value into your professional production levels. During the strange holiday season at the end of 2020, hopefully, you finally caved and took some time off for self-care. Could you finally be learning that stepping away from work can actually help your productivity levels in the long run? Even Capricorns need rest, love, and attention. 

On Wednesday, January 6, warrior planet Mars enters luxurious Taurus and your 5th House of Pleasure. Mars rules male divine energy, which we all contain regardless of our gender. The planet is all about passion and assertion, so use this day to go ahead and share a fantasy with a partner or ask a crush out, even if it’s just for a Zoom date. The stars are in your favor to get what you want.

Just two days later, on Friday, January 8, romance planet Venus enters your sign and your 1st House of Self. Despite your reputation, you have a devilish side and want to party hard as much as you work. This also applies to your love and sex life. Your Achilles’ heel is that you can sometimes repress emotions and desires, so your romantic partners may be unaware of your needs. If you work hard to become more in tune with yourself, it’s the first step toward being able to communicate what you want to others. 

On that same date, communication planet Mercury enters logical Aquarius and your 2nd House of Possessions, which also rules your inner desires. Your theme for the month is to vocalize your emotional and physical needs to your partner. If you keep them shoved down below the surface, they will never come to fruition, and you might be prone to assuming others should intuit what you need even if you haven’t said a word. Expecting your loved ones to read your mind isn’t fair; try different ways of telling them, instead, and see what sticks. 

There’s a dark new moon in your sign on Wednesday, January 13. New moons mark new beginnings. If there is a kink you’ve been wanting to try, such as role-playing (which you can totally do virtually), this is the night to get freaky. When innovative Uranus went retrograde last fall, you were asked to look inside at the changes you need in order to live life to your satisfaction. 

For some, this meant taking political action, and for others, it may have meant being honest with a partner that monogamy isn’t right for you. As long as you took some steps to follow your heart and get on the right path, now it’s now time to reap the rewards. If you haven’t set anything in motion yet, this is the night. The next day, on Thursday, January 14, Uranus goes direct, and while the pressure to make huge changes may feel a bit lighter, that doesn’t mean that it’s too late to be the change you wish to see in the world (or your personal life). 

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