Remember These 15 Quotes on Grief When It’s Time to Say Goodbye


Saying goodbye to a loved one is probably the hardest part of life. Many quotes about grief explain the pain and suffering that this entails. These pain quotes can also help you find your way through the dark and help you smile again.

It can be easy to stay in the dark when you experience loss, but finding a way out is important. Through the wisdom and experience of others, these grief quotes can help you get through it.

Saying goodbye does not mean that you are letting someone go. You will always have your memories and feelings, and you can always cherish them. Instead, it means acknowledging that they will no longer be a part of your life.

Fifteen quotes about pain

When you have to say goodbye, remember these quotes about pain. While dating won’t take away the pain, it can give you hope for a better future. Also, they will remind you that you are not alone and that you can get through this difficult time.

1. “When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.” – Unknown

Memories of your loved ones are something they can never take away from you. They will be with you always and are something you can treasure. These memories tie you to the person you have lost and that feeling can never be lost.

2. “The reality is that you will cry forever. You will not “get over” the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will heal and rebuild around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again, but you will never be the same. Neither should you be the same nor would you want to be. “- Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Pain it doesn’t end, even when you get over it. Getting over the death of a loved one will never happen, but you will learn to adapt. As you recover, you will build a new life, always missing the person but learning to live without them.

3. “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened. “- Dr. Seuss

The pain comes to the end of something spectacular. Not everyone experiences something so amazing, so smile at the memories that were created. Remember that you were lucky to have had the experience instead of being sad.

4. “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so difficult.” – Winnie the Pooh

Similar to the quote above, this one reminds you how lucky you are to have loved someone so much. Loving someone enough to mourn their loss means that you had something truly amazing in your life. When you are grieving, be sure to take the time to be grateful for having that person in your life.

5. “What we once deeply enjoyed and loved, we can never lose, because all that we deeply love becomes part of us.” – Helen Keller

Everything that is precious to you becomes part of you. The time you spend with a loved one and the love you felt for him can never be taken away. Those memories will always be with you and their contributions to your life will stay with you forever.

6. “Those we love do not leave, they walk by our side every day … without being seen, without being heard, but always close, still loved, still missed and very dear.” – Unknown

Just because you can’t see someone doesn’t mean their presence isn’t there. They played a role in the person you are today, which is why they are always walking with you.

7. “Although it is natural to forget your power after losing a loved one, the truth is that after a breakup, divorce or death, there is a capacity left within you to create a new reality.” – Louise Hay and David Kessler

No matter how you have lost the person you love, it can affect your sense of power. Often times, losing someone will leave you out of control of your life, but it doesn’t have to be.

Instead, work to create a new normal and build your life the way you want. Then you will be able to remember that you are in charge of your life. You have the power to create happiness for yourself, even if things seem unbearable right now.

8. “Deep pain is sometimes almost like a specific location, a coordinate on a weather map. When you are standing in that forest of pain, you cannot imagine that you could ever find your way to a better place. But if someone can assure you that they have been in the same place themselves and have now moved on, sometimes this will bring hope. ”- Elizabeth Gilbert

Grief can leave you feeling stranded, alone, and like there’s no way out. You may feel like you can’t find a way to cope or move on, but you must find a way to do it.

One way to do this is to remind yourself that many others have been through the same thing before. They have lost the people they love and have still moved on in life. You can do this too, so find your way out so that you can begin to heal.

9. “When you are sad, look back into your heart, and you will see that you are truly crying for what has been your delight.” – Kahlil Gibran

What hurts you is likely one of the things that made you happiest. When the pain gets too much, look into your heart, like Gibran he says, and sees happiness, instead. All the happy memories you made together will be there whenever you need a reminder.

10. “You will survive and find purpose in chaos. Moving on doesn’t mean letting go. “- Mary VanHaute

Although saying goodbye to someone you love is difficult, you will get over it. You will learn to live again and move on. However, moving on does not mean letting go, because you will always carry the love you feel with you.

11. “And when great souls die, after a time, peace blooms, slowly and always irregularly. The spaces are filled with a kind of relaxing electrical vibration. Our senses, restored, never to be the same, whisper to us. They existed. We can be. Be and be better. Because they existed. “- Maya Angelou

While it may seem impossible now, you will experience peace again. Life will become normal, although it will be a new idea of ​​normality, and you will be happy. With this you will realize that if the person you love existed, then you can go through life and be better.

12. “I learned that, with pain, you have to take it day by day and learn to find happiness in the midst of anguish.” – Adrienne C. Moore

When you lose someone you love, you are only expected to feel heartbroken. There is no magic way to get over it and stop crying, so you have to keep working on it. Find happy moments whenever you can, and eventually everything will get easier.

13. “Tears have their own wisdom. They come when a person has relaxed enough to let go and get over their pain. They are the natural bleeding from an emotional wound that draws the poison out of the system. Here is the road to recovery. “- F. Alexander Magoun

You must allow yourself to lament and cry when the time is right. This may not happen right away, but once you begin to accept the situation, it will begin. Crying it is good, however, because it means that you are healing.

14. “Pain can be the garden of compassion. If you keep your heart open through everything, your pain can become your greatest ally in the search for love and wisdom in your life. – Rumi

Good things can come from pain, even if that seems impossible right now. If you allow yourself to cry, you will become wiser and you will find those who can help you.

15. “This is not goodbye, honey, this is thank you. Thank you for coming into my life and giving me joy ”. – Nicholas Sparks

Since it can be difficult to say goodbye to someone you love, you better say thank you. You were lucky to have them in your life and they left you memories and love. For this, you should be grateful, and it will be easier to express it than to say goodbye.

Final thoughts on remember these pain quotes when it’s time to say goodbye

When you have to say goodbye For someone you love, you will inevitably experience deep pain. These quotes about pain can help you get through it and will remind you of the good things in your life. You have to allow yourself to cry and grow in this situation.

Give yourself time and grace, and remember to take it one day at a time. Eventually, it will get easier, as these quotes about pain explained. Knowing that you are not alone in this feeling can also help, so try to find peace in the experiences of others.



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