Christelyn Karazin is an Energizer Bunny when it comes to business and inspiring women. But her love of uplifting fellow Black femmes is not just a hobby. Christelyn is the brains behind The Pink Pill courses that teach Black women all of the details their “mother didn’t have time to tell you because she was too busy struggling.”
Now the entrepreneur is promoting the importance of her latest venture, The Pink Pill For Business. This course teaches Black women how to cultivate and present the best version of themselves, from personal style and social etiquette to effective communication techniques and how to pick up on and respond to verbal and non-verbal cues from co-workers and colleagues. Participants will learn the importance of social dynamics in the workplace and how to get people in high places to protect you and advocate for your advancement and success.
Hype Hair chatted with Christelyn to learn more about her online course and offer advice for women ready to live their best life.
HYPE HAIR: How is your online course, The Pink Pill, enriching the lives of Black women?
CHRISTELYN KARAZIN: Through my courses – The Pink Pill, The Pink Pill For College, and The Pink Pill For Business – as well as through my social media platforms, (these courses) addressed our unique cultural experience as Black women. (We addressed) what has worked for us, what has not, and practical tools of understanding and application for leveling up in all areas of life, from social and romantic to career and business. As an author and blogger, I had gotten countless emails and messages over the years with Black women expressing their fears and insecurities about everything from dating interracially to navigating different social ecosystems outside of the Black community to feeling uncomfortable about being the only Black woman in the office or boardroom. My courses teach Black women the social, emotional and communication skills they need to win in all areas of their life and among diverse ecosystems.
HH: What message do you aim to promote?
CHRISTELYN: I encourage Black women to become the best version of themselves, and I teach practical tools to help women reach their highest potential, both personally and professionally. My slogan is, “The world is waiting to receive the best version of you, so give it to them.”
HH: What is the most rewarding aspect of what you do?
CHRISTELYN: Every day, I get to see women who have taken my course and are thriving and making positive shifts in their lives. I have gotten emails from women who have said, “Thank you. You saved my life.” We all work to make money, but not everyone gets to make money while changing lives. I have a lot of gratitude that, in my own small way, I am changing the world, one woman at a time.
HH: Since your latest course is The Pink Pill For Business, can you offer advice for women entering the workforce or launching their own business?
CHRISTELYN: Cultivate your personal brand. Everything you communicate, from your appearance to the way you speak, to your style of correspondence, is important. Ask yourself what you are trying to present to the world. Whether you are looking for a job or looking to start your own business, ultimately, people are buying from you. You must be the best product you can be. I wish the world only cared about a great mind, but that is not how it works. The whole package is important. Cultivating yourself is going to give you the ability to connect to your authentic self and to project confidence to others. Lastly, being the only Black woman in the room allows you to put your best foot forward in a way that only you can. You bring a unique point of view to the table. Learning how to express that uniqueness in the right way can help you achieve your professional goals.
To learn more about Christelyn Karazin and The Pink Pill courses, visit