Rare Rhino Species Sees Dramatic Population Growth – From Just 100 to 3,700 Today – as Poaching Falls –


Populations of various species and subspecies of rhinoceros are increasing, some dramatically, while poaching rates in East Asia have plummeted over the decade, reveals a new report from the International Rhino Foundation (IRF).

Involved in all things rhinos, the IRF publishes an annual report known as The State of the Rhino, which this year highlights that even in the midst of a rare pandemic, dedicated people in a dozen countries are working to maintain the number of rhinos healthy and recovering.

In fact, the IRF has invested $ 20 million worldwide in rhino conservation projects over the past 10 years, and in many countries its work is paying off.

Without a doubt, the greatest success has been achieved thanks to the large one-horned rhinoceros. Native to India and Nepal, there were only 100 individuals left in the early 1900s. Today there are 3,700 and more and more. In the past eight years, poaching incidents have dropped from 41 in 2013 to just 1 today.

In the Indian state of Assam, rhinos can be found in four protected areas, and this year the population in the magnificent Manas National Park on the border with Nepal reached 47 individuals, having established only 4 just a few years ago.

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Nepal also saw an increase of 107 large one-horned rhinos in its country.

The Javanese rhinos in Indonesia welcomed four new calves into the world, bringing the critically endangered species to 75, largely offsetting the natural death rate. This is almost double the number of Javanese rhinos from 2011.

In Africa, the black rhino has seen an encouraging population increase of 16% to 17% over the past decade, while South Africa’s “rhino court”, established to hear exclusively poaching cases, reopened in April this year. year, giving park rangers the opportunity to testify against suspects without an expensive trip to a major city and without poaching cases falling into court backlog.

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In Zimbabwe, the black rhinoceros was reintroduced after a 30-year absence and is growing steadily, while in Kenya, anti-poaching efforts have reduced the number of rhinos killed to 0 this year, from a high of 59 in 2013.

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“We must act today, to ensure that these wonderful creatures can thrive for future generations,” said Nina Fascione, Executive Director of IRF. “Let’s continue to build on our one-horned, black and Javanese rhino successes and reverse the declines in white and Sumatran rhinos, working together so rhinos can continue to thrive on Earth.”

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