Parables and Positive Psychology 09/19/20 – Positively Psychological


“He who has ears to hear must hear.” (Luke 8: 8)

With this announcement, Jesus suggests that everyone should listen to the word of God and incorporate it into their lives, to fulfill the individual and those around them. But then Jesus goes on to describe some common responses to hearing this word. We all have our own reactions to hearing the word of God. Some of us may receive it with more joy, while others may be more likely to listen to it and obey it when it is convenient for them. Regardless of our own idiosyncrasies, it is likely that many of us can identify with each of these seeds in the parable at some point in our lives.

Jesus proclaims that individuals are like sown seeds. In the first analogy, he states that seeds along a road can be trampled and eaten by birds, and he relates it to people who have heard the word but then the devil takes it away. In the second, he suggests that the seed on stony ground dries up after lack of moisture, and relates it to people who receive the word with joy but turn away after temptation or difficulty. It continues with the seed wrapped in thorns, and how the thorns devour and choke the seed. This is much like how the anxieties, riches, and pleasures of life can seemingly give way around us and swallow us up completely. Finally, it describes the seed that falls on fertile ground and produces a hundred times more fruit, as those who receive the word of God with a generous heart and bear fruit through perseverance.

I’m excited to reinforce the teachings of Jesus with the field of positive psychology, because these analogies are rife with virtues and strengths of character backed by research. In the first, having the openness to discern the word of God and not being hampered by external forces is in keeping with the virtue of wisdom. This implies strengths of character such as curiosity, perspective, and maybe even love of learning. The second mainly shows how courage can serve this individual well in difficult circumstances, which is a strength of character under the virtue of value. The third exemplifies the virtue of moderation even in the midst of riches and pleasures. Modesty, self-control and prudence All can be useful to be successful and at the same time not allow this success to draw us back to ourselves, away from God and others. Ultimately, it is the seed planted in good soil that produces a hundred times more fruit over time, which ultimately requires a constantly renewed sense of life. cheer up Y persistence.

And so, as you can see, today’s parable is rich in strengths and virtues of character that can help us not become seeds sown in useless environments, but rather become seeds that are planted in good soil, bearing many fruits in the world. . Still, we’ve likely felt like seeds sown in each of these settings at some point in our lives. Hopefully, this information will be of use to you as you continue to bear good fruit in the world through the word of God. If you think any of this has helped, feel free to share how in the comments below. I hope to hear what you have to say! Until then, I hope everyone is safe and doing well.

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