“Cat People explores our fascinating relationship with cats through the lens of some of the most remarkable and amazing ‘feline people’ in the world, challenging negative stereotypes of what it means to be a feline person while revealing the fundamental truths of what it means. means having deep ties to these mysterious fiercely independent creatures, “Netflix wrote in a Press release.
Featured in Cat People they are some fantastic felines, like Maverick, the surfer cat, and DJ Ravioli, a cat who plays music for TikTok rapper Moshow.
“This goes beyond my music,” the rapper said during an interview on This morning. “He’s much bigger than me, my message is to save as many cats as possible, make cats look good, and break that stereotype that black cats are unlucky because of how they show up in certain lights.”
“My thing is to break that stereotype. The cat ladies are not crazy, they are all beautiful … “
Of all the nuances
God only knows how much data has been used to create, upload and share cat videos on the Internet, but the documentary does not only focus on the charming and charming side of felines.
While trying to dispel the myth of the “crazy” part of a “cat lady”, he also explores the human component of the relationship, including the darker paths to revealing stories of generosity and kindness towards needy cats, particularly in an episode of the Greek island of Syros.
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Other episodes seek to break the stereotypes that cats are rebellious and independent. Acro-Cats founder Samantha is a professional cat trainer and the mother of some very talented felines.
Browsing the hashtags on Twitter, the general consensus towards the six 30-minute episodes is something like: “You will laugh, you will cry, you will want to adopt all the cats in your neighborhood.”
For cat people, that kind of reaction comes as no surprise, since, as the first paragraph above details, we’ve known it all along.
(LOOK the trailer for the new Netflix show below).
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