July 2021 Horoscopes — Love and Career Predictions

Read every sign’s current 2021 horoscope predictions to see what’s in store for you this year or check out each sign’s personality profile to learn more about the zodiac.

Get ready, star children, because it’s hot July and Leo season approaches. That means it’s time for big hair, plenty of glitter, and making plans with friends. But first, everyone must stay in and practice self-care during the dark new moon in Cancer on Friday, July 9. This is a sweet opportunity to pamper yourself and lower stress levels. Cook a nice meal (or let a lover cook one for you), take a long bath, and catch up on sleep. Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of time to party later on in the month. 

Messenger Mercury enters caring Cancer on Sunday, July 11. This transit adds depth to our conversations. If you’re in a new relationship, you may find yourself sharing secrets with your partner. It’s a good time to do it, thanks to a comet known as Chiron, or the “wounded healer.” This comet goes retrograde in bold Aries on Thursday, July 15, and when it does, we’re all asked to confront our trauma and process old pain. Consider starting to work with a therapist during this time if you don’t already. 

Chiron isn’t the only comet to affect us this month. On Monday, July 19, a comet called Vesta enters Libra, the sign of balance and partnership. We all need human connection and this is yet another reason to reach out to your friends. It’s perfect timing that this is happening as people are getting vaccinated and parties are starting to happen again. 

Before our bold Leo spending gets out of hand, Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and money enters responsible Virgo on Wednesday, July 21. This transit helps us put together budgets, practice our winged eyeliner, and discuss safety with partners and friends. Let’s not jinx the reopening of the world by behaving recklessly. When Leo season begins on Thursday, July 22, the biggest rule is to go out and have fun. We’ve earned it. Circle Friday, July 23 in your calendar. It’s the start of the weekend and a full moon in eccentric Aquarius. Full moons can bring out people’s primal nature, so prepare for hookups. 

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