Reprinted with permission from World in general, a news website on nature, politics, science, health and travel.
Clinical trials of a new precision or functional medicine approach to attack and reverse the cognitive decline of Alzheimer’s disease have produced “unprecedented” and “far-reaching” results.
Called the MEND (Metabolic Enhancement for Neurodegeneration) Protocol, it relies on the often-ignored, yet universally understood, preference dating back to Hippocrates, to treat the cause, not the symptom, of a disease.
Developed by Dr. Dale Bredesen, an internationally renowned expert in neurodegenerative diseases, works to correct and strengthen the underlying biochemical profile that gives rise to Alzheimer’s disease, rather than simply targeting, as pharmaceutical companies have tried to do, the tau protein called beta-amyloid that produces the hallmarks of the disease.
Neuroscientists have firmly established to sleep as the only natural defense mechanism we have to protect our brain from the toxic beta-amyloid proteins that cause Alzheimer’s disease, but Bredesen has shown in a number of human clinical trials that there is a panoply of conditions that must be met for disease occurs. humans to develop Alzheimer’s disease, and that if these conditions are corrected, even in the elderly, dementia can be reversed.
At summary of a study published in 2016, Dr. Bredesen explained that 10 patients with mild or subjective cognitive impairment, what Bredesen describes as essentially the first two of a four-stage disease, underwent between 5 and 24 weeks of the MEND Protocol.
“The therapeutic approach used was programmatic and personalized,” Bredesen writes. “Patients who had had to stop work were able to return to work and those who had difficulties at work were able to improve their performance. Patients, their spouses, and coworkers reported clear improvements. “
The time for scientific jargon must end, Bredesen emphasized in a recent interview in Health Revolution Radio, because for patients battling Alzheimer’s disease and their families, it is a tragedy that cannot be adequately summed up in the language of a peer-reviewed article. Anecdotal evidence may be enough to justify action.
One of the ten patients, aged 69, was informed that given his status as a patient with Alzheimer’s disease and its clear decline, he should start “putting his affairs in order.” His business was in the process of closing due to his inability to continue working.
He started the MEND therapeutic program, and after six months, he, his wife, and co-workers noticed improvement. He was able to recognize faces at work unlike before, was able to remember his daily schedule, and was able to function at work without difficulty. It was also observed that he was faster with his responses.
His lifelong ability to quickly add columns of numbers in his head, which he had lost during his progressive cognitive decline, returned. His wife noted that although he had clearly shown improvement, the most surprising effect was that he had been accelerating his decline for the past year or two, and this had come to a complete halt.
PLUS: Researchers find that if you have someone to talk to, you could prevent Alzheimer’s disease
MEND case studies were met on a paper of 100 little stories detailing people recovering from neurodegeneration, not by slowing or stopping their cognitive decline, but by reversing it entirely. The 2018 case study is full of small annotations that highlight the importance to the patient and their family.
“Driver’s license is back … follow recipes again … talk, dress, dance, ride a bike, send emails, kayak, everything comes back … talk again, get dressed, call the grandchildren by name, go back to work. “
A nurse asked, “What happened?”
Out of this method emerged the “Bredesen Protocol,” which recently produced the first clinical trial in history that involved a preliminary examination of all underlying factors that contribute to Alzheimer’s, before placing patients on a personalized approach to precision medicine.
Posted on a prepress server for studies awaiting peer review, the study presented the hypothesis that what we call Alzheimer’s is a dysfunction of the network resulting from decades of attacks on our physiology by the environment.
Toxins such as heavy metals, black mold and airborne particles, metabolites and biological debris such as beta-amyloid targeted by dementia drugs, the lack of neurofortification that arises from a sedentary lifestyle of body and mind, all this contributes to conditions. leading to neurodegeneration.
Logically, it would follow that correcting this dysfunction would be the first step in attacking Alzheimer’s disease. And that’s exactly what happened in the 25 patients in the study, when they were helped to address the 36 underlying biological dimensions in the Protocol.
While this is merely a news report and should not be construed as medical advice, those interested in the Bredesen Protocol you can absolutely learn more and even enroll a loved one in the program.
(LOOK Bredesen speaks in the TED video below.)
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