The gods of the Twitterverse are fickle and unpredictable. All hashtags aside, no one knows why some tweets are trending and others just. So when the random tweet from a doting daughter recently landed a dream job interview for her father, it was a huge cosmic surprise for everyone involved.
Like many, Rebecca Mix’s father, Jeff, 58, was fired from his last job due to coronavirus-related cuts. As an older worker, finding a job was probably going to be difficult, but determined Jeff, not ready to retire, was determined to get a new job.
Your dream job? Something for the public that would keep him on his feet. For Jeff, who had done his homework on company culture, that meant Costco.
Knowing it was probably out of reach, Jeff turned to Rebecca for guidance in navigating today’s job market. After promising to help him update his resume and gently teasing him that a 21st century email might be in order, Rebecca posted some humorous tweets about her father’s “strangely particular” job ambitions, and then says that forgot about them.
my dad was fired due to covid and now that he is vaccinated he is eager to get back to work so i told him i would help him with his resume. I asked him where he wants to work and he said, “Seriously,” Costco seems like a nice place. “I’m going to cry hahaha.
– Rebecca Mix, proud daughter of a Costco employee (@mixbecca) May 6, 2021
While the tweets might have forgotten about Rebecca, the social media powers were paying close attention.
Mix’s messages somehow got on the radar of Costco CEO Craig Jelinek, who contacted several store managers near Jeff’s Michigan home, requesting they take him in for an interview. One of those managers reached out to Rebecca on Facebook to let her know that her serendipitous tweet had hit the mark in a big way.
GUYS OH MY GOD ???????????? pic.twitter.com/ofW1jXtTyV
– Rebecca Mix, proud daughter of a Costco employee (@mixbecca) May 19, 2021
“I called my dad, who didn’t answer, texted him a screenshot and called him again. As someone who only uses FaceTimes by accident, I really didn’t understand why I was freaking out, ”Rebecca recalled in an article for The Guardian. “The sheer ridiculousness of a random tweet landing on the Costco CEO’s desk mostly escaped him.”
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While Jeff was excited about the prospect of a job interview, he remained cautious about the end result. Even after his first meeting, in which the enigmatic Twitter topic never came up, he still wasn’t sure he would be hired.
However, although it took some time for the offer to come through, Jeff managed his second interview. He texted a photo of his new employee badge to Rebecca with thanks.
After his first shift, Jeff contacted Rebecca to let her know that the job seemed to be pretty much everything he had been waiting for. She couldn’t have been happier.
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“The past year has not been a pleasant one for my family,” wrote Rebecca. “Like many, we did not emerge from the pandemic without the loss of loved ones. It is a gift to have this strange, wonderful, strange spark of joy in the midst of a moment of pain and chaos. “
And on a positive final note, Rebecca reports that when one of her dad’s new co-workers joked, “I wonder when they’re going to hire the Twitter guy.” While the complexities of social media could still escape him, Jeff had the satisfaction of being able to say, “I’m the Twitter guy.”
Aw… isn’t that tweet?
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