Goose Finds Injured Mate at Wildlife Hospital and Won’t Budge From the Door


Nobody writes romance novels about geese, but maybe they should.

Unlike many of their fickle human counterparts, geese mate for life. So when they honk, “Till death do us part,” they mean it, which would explain why when a Canadian goose named Arnold ended up in the hospital, his Mrs. marched up to the threshold demanding visitation rights.

The wild geese pair have long resided in a pond near the Cape Wildlife Center (CWC) in Barnstable, Massachusetts.

Although they are well known to the facility crew, the bird’s inhabitants have generally rejected human interaction, preferring to keep their own company. However, when the crew noticed that Arnold was limping and injured, they stepped in to intervene.

After a literal chase that ended with its capture, an examination revealed that the wounded goose had two open fractures on one of its feet, probably caused by an underwater predator. With the straps and skin parted, leaving the bones exposed, an operation was needed to repair the damage.

The next day, while preparing Arnold for surgery, staff members heard a faint, inexplicable knock on their door.

“We turned to see that his partner had come to the porch and was trying to enter our clinic,” Cape Wildlife Center posted in its Facebook page. “Somehow she had located him and she was restless because she couldn’t get in.”

Once he located him, Arnold’s staunch wife stood guard throughout the procedure, refusing to move from her vantage point by the gates.

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Postoperatively after the successful procedure, Arnold was placed very close to his grateful wife. Natural order was soon restored, as she quickly settled in to tend to the needs of her still reeling husband.

“His partner calmed down immediately and began grooming him through the door,” CWC wrote. “They both seemed much more comfortable in each other’s presence.”

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Although it will take Arnold a few weeks to recover, he is expected to make a full recovery. When it is deemed to be in good shape, the staff will return it to nature, and then he and his partner can get back to the business of living happily ever after.

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