Everyone has a history of COVID now, and for those 16 to 18 years old, the story likely has something to do with school and extracurricular disruptions during a critical period in their lives.
We often like to say that they were the best years of our lives, and noticing this, even though he didn’t even have a child on the podium, Graham Williams wanted to make sure Denver Public Schools graduated from the ‘Class of COVID ‘had something special to make them feel celebrated, as well as something to turn to if they ever needed advice.
As CEO and founder of Impart, a unique gift company, Williams put together a graduation book packed with life lessons and advice from Colorado celebrities, young and old.
After all, what could be more inspiring to a high school football player who has been unable to play due to locks than a heartfelt message from Payton Manning?
“We strongly believe in the power of sharing life lessons, and we thought ‘Wow, we see a need in the community where these high school students have really had a hard time and proven their worth, and we have a platform where we can use the tools that we have. to put a gift in front of all of them, ‘”Williams told GNN..

“We wanted to say: ‘one, that the whole community is behind you and that you are not alone in this, and two, what a great job you have done in difficult times.’
Introducing everyone from local news anchors to philanthropists, athletes, artists, and public officials, the 21-page book:that you can download for free at home—Propose a simple question to each person featured: If you could go back and say one thing to your high school graduate self, what would it be?
“Passion and love will take you further and fill you more than anything else,” says Missy Franklin, a five-time Olympic gold medalist swimmer.
“Question everything and never turn down an affair,” says Colorado House Representative Jennifer Bacon.
“Live your life, not the life you think your parents, friends or society want you to live,” says KBCO, 97.3 FM radio host DJ Keefer.
“What we wanted to do was put together a diverse and inspiring set of responses based on different experiences, and we wanted those responses to resonate with students in Denver schools,” explains William.
“We didn’t know what was coming back when we applied, but we were very pleased with the way the community really came together with the students, wanted to show their support … and how genuine the respondents were.”
Hopefully, with 21 pieces of wisdom, students in Denver schools will feel a little more prepared for life beyond the high school classrooms, and that their graduation was a special day after all.
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