Aries Horoscope November 2020 — Love and Career Predictions

Read what your sign’s 2020 horoscope predictions have in store for you or check out the Aries personality profile. 

Welcome to November, Aries! November might start on a stressful note, as Tuesday, November 3 is not only Election Day, but the last day of Mercury retrograde in Scorpio. It’s important to stay politically informed (and vote!), but you should also focus on your personal relationships to remind yourself that you have a great support network regardless of the outcome. Even though the retrograde ends in the first week of the month, Mercury reenters intense Scorpio on Tuesday, November 10, making some communication feel like it’s still happening in the shadows. To counter this, make an effort to be direct in your conversations, and ask your inner circle to do the same with you. Try to give friends and family a little wiggle room if they’re on edge during this stressful time. 

On Friday, November 13, your ruling planet, warrior Mars, also ends its retrograde and goes direct in your sign. This is fantastic news for your sex life, so get ready to get off, whether that’s with a partner or solo with your favorite sex toy. You may also feel empowered to stand up for yourself and others, so lean into this feeling and use your voice for good. In other good news, the intense stress from the election and any potential communication issues caused by Mercury retrograde should lighten up during the new moon in Scorpio on Saturday, November 14. New moons equal new beginnings. 

Energetic Sagittarius season begins on Saturday, November 21. While Scorpio season was all about turning inward, Sagittarius season is the sign of expansion and travel. Of course, due to COVID-19, we can’t do much actual traveling, so we have to get creative. This fellow fire sign also rules learning, so expand your horizons by picking up a new creative hobby. Consider taking up virtual language classes or learning a new instrument. 

Lover planet Venus also enters sexy Scorpio on Saturday, November 21. When Venus is in Scorpio, not only might you feel horny as hell, but you may also take an all-or-nothing approach to love. This could mean that you’ll sever ties with a crush who can’t commit, or a romantic partner may finally decide they’re ready to take it to the next stage with you. If you’re in the early stages of seeing someone and it’s too early to make any heavy decisions, make room for meditation, and reach out to friends, family, or a therapist to suss out your feelings. Scorpio has a very hard time acting chill, so don’t let this transit disrupt the natural pace of dating. 

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