Aries Horoscope January 2021 — Love and Career Predictions

Read what your sign’s 2021 horoscope predictions have in store for you or check out the Aries personality profile. 

Welcome to January, and a whole new year, Aries! Last month, you survived the holidays by indulging in self-care, but don’t stop now. While there’s every reason to be hopeful for a better future, we’re still dealing with a pandemic and stress from the fallout. As a fire sign, you can be especially temperamental, so make sure to keep up with your therapy appointments and try to do things that make you feel grounded, like taking long hot baths. Now, let’s get to what the stars are up to this month. 

Your ruling planet, warrior Mars, enters reliable Taurus, in your 2nd House of Possessions, on Wednesday, January 6. Taurus energy combined with that of Mars encourages you to keep following up on your finances. The pandemic has negatively affected pretty much all of our finances in one way or another, and unfortunately, astrology can’t make any promises about turning things around. However, this is the ideal time to keep nudging anyone who owes you money. You’re known for getting what you want, Aries, so don’t be afraid to be persistent about any outstanding invoices. 

The sky is busy on Friday, January 8, so circle it in your calendar. Venus, the planet of love, enters hardworking Capricorn and light up your 10th House of Social Status. After the holidays, everyone will be ready to put in the work to keep their love life intact. It’s true that it’s been hard to date during the pandemic. But this transit bodes well for you, and you can expect positive changes in how others perceive you. It will be a great time to level up a relationship and move in with a partner or even get engaged. If you’re single but ready to start seeing people, start thinking about how you may want to communicate your needs. 

Also on Friday, January 8, communication planet Mercury enters aloof Aquarius, in your 11th House of Friendship. This transit is extra important as the month ends with Mercury going retrograde in this sign. Due to social distancing, it’s become harder than ever to stay connected to your friends and community. You may feel extra bummed out about that. Make plans now, for a virtual hang or something safe IRL, before the first Mercury retrograde of the year starts at the end of the month and scheduling becomes even more challenging. 

Eccentric Uranus has been retrograde since last August, fueling the revolutionary in us all. Some of us felt drawn to fight against racism while others may have needed to step back for self-care. When this independent planet finally goes direct on Thursday, January 14, activism may appear to calm down, but that doesn’t mean these issues are solved. If you have the budget, remember to keep supporting Black businesses, although there are also many ways to fight the power without spending a dime. 

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