Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak Launches Company to Clean Up Space Debris


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An Apple co-founder is launching a venture to clean up space debris, and not for a moment for soon, as NASA estimates that there may be 27,000 pieces of debris floating or flinging around Earth last year.

With thousands of additional satellites scheduled for location around Earth as part of future plans for universal internet connectivity, the job to address the growing orbital junk must fall to someone.

The company, called Privateer Space, has nothing to do with hacking and is in fact in “stealth mode” and as such we know little about it. Steve Wozniak, Apple’s co-founder of Software I, who has a net worth of $ 100 million, tweeted a link to Privateer website, which currently has nothing but a YouTube video.

Later, a press release sent out about a titanium 3D printer developed under a company called Desktop Metal included a quote from Wozniak.

“‘3D printing with titanium is incredibly valuable in industries such as aerospace due to the material’s ability to support complex and lightweight designs,’ co-founder of Privateer Space, a new satellite company focused on monitoring and cleaning objects in space.” declared press release.

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Far from the Musk / Branson / Bezos space race, the fact that at least one percent of technology is investing in cleaning up space is huge for all of humanity.

Former NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine asked Congress for $ 15 million for a space cleanup mission alone, tweeting that the ISS had to maneuver out of the way of dangerous space debris on three separate occasions last year.

One of the main problems with space debris is that the smaller it is, the more dangerous it becomes, as NASA reports.

“Several space shuttle windows were replaced due to damage from the material that was tested and it was shown to be paint stains.” the agency wrote, noting that debris can travel at speeds of up to 17,500 mph. “In fact, millimeter-sized orbital debris represents the greatest risk of mission completion for most robotic spacecraft operating in low-Earth orbit.”

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Wozniak has said More information about its cleaning crew will be announced at the AMOS Tech 2021 conference in Maui, which ended today.

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