Allure Beauty Box September 2021 – See All the Products

Subscribe to the Allure Beauty Box now, and you will get $230 of luxury beauty products for $23. While putting together this month’s box, we wanted to give you some of our favorite finds for a fall beauty refresh, because it is that time of year: The day before school started, my mom, cousins, and I would always do something fun — a movie, mini golf, baking cookies, shopping. To this day, I’m happy and nostalgic when fall rolls around — and I still love a good autumn update. But now it’s in the form of new skin care and lipstick instead of Lisa Frank stuff. So your Allure Beauty Box contains a smoothing, brightening, skin-protecting routine — there’s a leave-on glycolic acid exfoliator, a bakuchiol serum, a K-beauty moisturizer, and a full size bottle of Sunday’s Riley’s first sunscreen. Plus, a dewy rose lipstick (so, so pretty) and lavender bath salts for chilling out after a long day. — Elizabeth Siegel

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