After Learning a Single Dad Struggled With Confinement and Kids in High-Rise, Couple Lets Them Use Beach Home


As has been the case for families around the world, the past few months have been stressful for the Smiths to see the bare minimum.

Sam Smith is a single father to Lysander, 6, and Zenduel, 3. Since the lockdown in England began, the family has been largely confined to their one-bed apartment on the 15th floor of a skyscraper in east London.

It’s not a very large apartment, just 12 steps from one side of the main room to the other, and with the local parks closed, sometimes Sam and the kids have been trapped inside for 23 hours a day.

When the family went to the BBC’s breakfast show to talk about what it’s like to be locked in a very small living area during the pandemic, a couple, Ken and Sheila Sims, were watching the interview from their home on the Devon coast.

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Ken grew up in a high-rise apartment building as a child and was especially saddened by the hardships the Smiths were going through.

Fortunately, he knew how to help. You could give the Smith family a break by asking if they’d like to spend a week in their cottage by the English sea.

Of course, they said yes to Ken’s idea.

“I can’t find the words …” Sam said on the beach during his family’s Devon vacation. Gesturing to the sky and water around her, to her young children making sand castles, she exclaimed, “It’s beautiful!”

(CLOCK the happy vacation the Smiths just had in the BBC video below).

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