Within each person there is a spark of creativity that is only limited by imagination. It is up to you to fan this spark into a flame that burns with inspiration, self-confidence, and resourcefulness. Did you know that having a creative mind has several positive benefits?
Have you ever seen a artist Or did you listen to a musician with wonder and longing in your heart? Perhaps you are like countless viewers who wish they were so talented. As they produce impressive works of art, music, and other masterpieces, they make it seem almost effortless.
Did the divine powers of creativity smile more at these talented people than at you and others? According to an article published by GFC Global, that’s a common mistake. Everyone is potentially creative and it depends on how you interpret it. Although it is an instinctive gift, you must cultivate your skill for optimal use.
Eight Reasons A Creative Mind Helps Drive Positivity
Where would the world be if people didn’t trust their creativity? While it’s true that different parts of your brain control reason and problem solving, as well as your creativity, they can work together. Imagination is an essential tool for solving problems and inventing better ways of doing things.
1. A creative mind offers stress relief
It’s hard to feel stressed when you’re doing something you love. It’s no wonder that people often look to hobbies and other fun interests to give their brains a rest. When you exercise your gift of creativity, you are investing your body, mind and spirit.
A review posted by Dr. Lily Martin et al. for behavioral sciences claims that creative art therapy can reduce stress. Of the 37 studies that Martin and his team reviewed, at least 81.1 percent of the participants reported a significant reduction in stress while using their creativity.
2. A creative mind can improve your problem solving skills
A well-known thought that is often attributed to Plato is that the mother of invention is a necessity. In other words, when a need arises, someone in the world will have the creativity to satisfy it. Not only is it creating an enjoyable hobby, it has practical uses that can benefit the world.
Whenever you have a problem, your brainstorming process will connect with your imagination. Perhaps your situation inspires you to create an object or an action that you have never used. Not only have you solved a problem, it may come back to you in the future.
Some of the solutions to current problems can enrich future generations. An article published in the Smithsonian Magazine share that ancient humans did not invent the wheel for transportation. Instead, they developed it around 3500 BC. C. due to his need to make ceramics.
This is an example of one invention inspiring another. At some point, our first ancestors were faced with the problem of moving heavy objects long distances. According to the article, it wasn’t until three hundred years after the invention of the pottery wheel that they realized that wheels could carry carts.
3. A creative mind can save you money
Have you ever heard someone say that they have so much money that they don’t need to save? You will probably never hear such a statement. You work hard for your money and property and are responsible for using it wisely.
Did you know that your creativity mistake can save you some money? Have you ever been inspired to come up with something that is as good or better than store bought items? Just take a look at the many websites featuring unique creations and how people are profiting from their unique handmade items.
Earning money may not be the boost for your creativity, but it is a bonus. You’d be surprised if the creations you took for granted can be a must-have for others. Wouldn’t it be rewarding to have a side job or a full-time job doing the things you love?
4. A creative mind helps you connect with others
Creativity is a precious gift that is almost impossible to keep for yourself. No matter what your talent is, it will somehow resonate with those who see or hear it. This essential link is what connects communities and preserves cultures.
How do you feel when you go to an art museum and study works by masters of the past and present? You may have the same sense of wonder when you recognize talent in your circle of friends and community. You see the beautiful object, you read the poems, or you listen to the fascinating music, and you feel a connection with the artist.
The same happens when you create something to beautify and bring joy to your world. Those who observe their gifts can experience a kinship on an emotional and spiritual level. It’s no wonder that art and other imaginative endeavors have always broken down language and cultural barriers to connect humanity in all.
5. It can increase your self-awareness and esteem
Is it possible to have lived in your body since you were born without fully recognizing who you are? Perhaps you still don’t understand your potential and creative power that has always been there. When you do things to expand your imagination and follow your artistic instincts, you can experience a greater awareness of yourself.
Consider taking inspiration from Anna Mary Robinson, better known as Grandma Moses. According to an article published by the National Museum of Women in the Arts, Grandma Moses didn’t start painting until she was 78 years old. It started out as a hobby and got by on humble supplies from home.
She didn’t care that she wasn’t a classically trained painter. Grandma Moses used her primitive style to recreate familiar scenes of pasture and farm life. The article mentions that he started showing his work at 90 and clarifying until he turned 101.
Like this beautiful self-taught artist, her imaginative works can encourage you to do more. You start to believe more in yourself and the talents you have. Also, you are never too young or too old to learn new things.
Don’t turn your back on your talents just because you’re not famous. Realize that you don’t need to be Leonardo Da Vinci to enjoy painting. You may not be another Mozart, but you can be the best musician within your gifts.
6. A creative mind offers you freedom
Remember how you were taught in school just to color between the lines? As you become aware of your creativity, you realize the artistic freedom you have. When it comes to your imagination, you are free to create whatever you want.
History is replete with examples of creative people forging their own paths. An article published by the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy shows the scientific work of Nicolás Copernicus. He challenged the scientific theories of the 16th century by presenting a static sun with the planets revolving around it.
In those days, disputing religious theories could be deadly. Regardless, his mathematical genius and observations increased his freedom of creativity. You can also feel free from conventional thinking when you are true to your inner voice.
7. You can enter your area
Have you ever been so involved in creativity and imagination that you lose track of time? Many artists and thinkers call this their “zone” and their inspiration is in peak performance. The motivation can be so intense that you become one with your creation.
Soon, you will be looking forward to spending time in your area. You will be more sensitive to your inner voice and intuitive skills. Maybe you are like many other talented people and wondering how the hell you have created something so bright and beautiful.
8. You can find your muse
No matter what art form or other talents people have, many attribute their creations to their muse. While some have a particular person as their inspiration, others describe their muse as their inner voice. The one who speaks to you the most will be your inspiring guide.
Perhaps you have a knack for writing and often listen to your intuitive voice as you type. Some authors describe the feeling as if the manuscript or poems were writing themselves. You connect with the creative powers of the Universe and produce a singular work that was meant to be.
Perhaps your muse is a dear friend, family member, or mentor. They are people who encourage and inspire you to cultivate your gifts to the fullest. They spiritually resonate with you as you find new ways to create beauty and wonder.
Don’t you have a muse? The Universe hears your positive affirmation and will bring the right voice into your life. In addition, it will allow you to focus more on your intuitive abilities that bring out the best in your creativity.
Final thoughts on the benefits of having a creative mind
Your triune self is a remarkably delicate balance of your innate creativity and your logic. The two work together to enrich your life and those around you. All you have to do is listen to your creative mind and put your heart into whatever talents you have.