5 Ways To Use Your Subconscious Mind To Overcome Negativity


The subconscious mind refers to the parts of the brain that you are not fully aware of, but that contain thoughts, feelings and ideas that influence your conscious mind and subsequent actions. It’s a confusing part of the brain, as you may not even realize how much it affects your behavior, and trying to understand it can be a challenging quest.

But when you begin to understand the subconscious concept, you will also be able to use that part of your brain to overcome the struggles in your conscious life. After all, if it can affect you negatively, in fact, it can affect you positively too! But how can you wear that forever? Here are five ways your subconscious mind can help you overcome negative thoughts.

1. You can teach your subconscious mind positive self-talk

Positive Internal dialogue is a crucial characteristic in someone with good well-being. When you start to turn the voice you use with yourself into a powerfully positive and kind voice, your subconscious begins to adopt that same voice.

When you have a lot of negative thoughts, chances are you also have a negative way of thinking about yourself, and your subconscious picks up on that. Take notes and remind yourself of those toxic things you feel about your abilities, looks, and self-worth with every word you say.

That’s why teaching your subconscious mind positive self-talk can be a powerful tool to combat negativity from your mind. Fighting these destructive thoughts and filling in the gaps with joy and optimism will teach your brain to reconfigure how it thinks. Here are some techniques to try.

Fight negativity with positivity

Whenever you think of something negative, counter with something positive, even if you end up jumping to the other end of the spectrum.

For example, if you think, “I’m going to make a fool of myself at this party,” respond with “No! I’m going to make lots of new friends and have a good time! ”. Or, if you think, “I’m going to screw up this project and lose my job, ”Respond with“ No! I’m going to do my best and impress my boss with my achievement! ”.

Use real world examples

Often times, the negative thoughts you experience are in no way a reflection of reality. You may have the worst ideas about an upcoming event and then after that you realize that it wasn’t that bad and that you agree with the outcome. Gather these examples of times when things went well for you, and the next time you start to deal with negativity, remind yourself of those times. Connecting with a firm and obvious realism can be a helpful way to combat negativity.

· “Eliminate” negative thoughts

This does not mean that you should suppress negative thoughts or emotions. Instead, it means learning to spot ideas that don’t serve you and don’t really help you. When these types of negative impulsive beliefs starts to haunt your mind, imagine pressing a delete button in your head to get rid of it. If you need a more solid visualization, you can write down the negative thought, break it up, and throw it away.

2. You can listen to it and get in touch with you

The negativity of your subconscious mind can be a challenge to deal with, but sometimes you can find useful knowledge within it. Listening to your subconscious does not mean believing everything it says. Instead, it means being an observant patient of the thoughts floating around you.

This is a positive way to interact with your subconscious because it puts you in touch with deeper thoughts, problems, and emotions that may be hidden beneath the surface, out of sight. You will learn more about yourself and become stronger for it, and it is a beautiful way to use your subconscious mind. Here are some ways to do it:

Interview your subconscious mind

Negative thoughts have to come from somewhere. Some underlying problems and roots prevent them from being resolved until you discover them. Take the time to search for these roots by paying close attention to your subconscious and asking what you fear, what you don’t like, and what you are trying to protect. The information you get from these interviews can help you better understand the steps you can take to overcome the underlying issues and problems.

Consider your wisdom

Is your subconscious resisting you or specific events? Why does he do this? Sometimes you need to trust that this resistance is trying to tell you something. When you feel that resistance, stop, listen, and do another interview. What is your subconscious telling you?

Promise me to do what you can

Commit to the act of making things work and taking care of your subconscious. Tell your subconscious that you have heard their messages and promise to do the right thing. You have listened to their fears and concerns, and you are examining their causes and what they say about you. You will take it from here and protect your subconscious. This can help your positive thinking by dispelling your subconscious fears, showing you that things are and will be okay.

3. You can give him things to desire

This does not mean giving in to impulse or giving value to random things. Instead, it involves giving your subconscious things to burn for. It will naturally act on the things you want and may have the power to overcome negativity by attacking those burning passions.

Think, for example, of athletes and successful people. Their burning desire makes them go the extra mile and allows them to feel that whatever sacrifice they have to make is 100% worth it. Your subconscious self is already very in tune with those burning passions, causing you to focus on positive progress rather than obstacles and negativity.

However, this does not mean that you should be obsessed with success. It means that you need to give your subconscious something to focus on to help it overcome negativity. When passion becomes your driving force, you are more likely to focus on progress than struggles. Here are some ways to cultivate burning desire:

Find motivation

Motivation It doesn’t last forever, but you can replenish it by finding things that inspire you. For the most part, you will have to rely on the commitment to keep moving forward. Still, from time to time, you can rekindle the fire of your desire by watching motivational videos, reading about inspiring people, and visualizing your future success.

Monitor progress closely

When you’re not watching your improvement carefully, it’s easy to miss it. Most of the progress consists of small separate “victories”, not substantial apparent changes. But it’s easy to get discouraged if you don’t pay attention to the little ways you’re improving. As you work towards your goals, follow each step of your progress as you go, and when you see that you are always improving, even with falls along the way, your desire will increase.

Burn bridges

Burning bridges can force your subconscious to follow the course of your burning desires. What does burning bridges mean in this content? It means cutting off the “safety nets”. These safety nets are often counterproductive, as they make you feel like you should stay behind until they are safer or that you can go at any time. Cut them off and your subconscious will speed up because the only way to continue the journey is to hurry.

4. You can keep remembering your subconscious mind

When your goal is to make your subconscious mind more assertive and more positive, reminding it of what you are trying to teach is a great way to help you progress. Repetition can provide your subconscious with repeated information to program it to combat negative thoughts, emotions, and rumination.

In some cases, this type of repetition is a positive self-affirmation, which is the use of repeated mantras to manifest beliefs in your subconscious and bring them to life in the real world. But the subconscious doesn’t even need direct affirmations, just reminders of the validity of positive notions and their promises against negative thoughts. For example, you can say things like:

  • I can solve any situation and problem.
  • I can overcome anything and everything.
  • I am lucid and have positive thoughts.
  • My dreams are within the zone of my growth.
  • The expectations that other people have of me do not define me.
  • Breaks and breaks are good for me.

When you repeat these reminders to yourself over and over again, you are training your subconscious to believe them. Even if you are not 100% convinced in your own words at first, positive thinking will grow and develop as your subconscious internalizes them and uses them against negative thoughts.

5. You can teach him to visualize

Some people underestimate the positive visualization power. After all, it’s just imagining things. So how can it be effective? Well, studies have found that the act of practicing something mentally can be almost as effective as any form of actual physical practice. This is why visualization works – it can be as useful as a concept as being somewhere and doing something.

This is not to say that you should ditch hands-on efforts and go about imagining things all day, of course. Instead, use visualization to create positive thoughts, imagine goals, and recall personal abilities. This will start your subconscious mind, tricking it into thinking that you are doing these things physically. Your confidence and faith will strengthen over time, squashing negative thoughts.

When viewing things, try to create an image that is as vivid and detailed as possible, covering even the smallest details that are not important or that do not matter much. The more authentic a visualization appears, the better it will be for your efforts to overcome negative thoughts with your subconscious mind.

Final thoughts on some ways your subconscious mind can help you overcome negative thoughts

Negative thoughts affect many people, and you are not alone if you struggle with them. It sounds a bit far-fetched to think that you can turn your subconscious around and find ways to use it forever, but it’s true, and it’s a powerful way to take your mind into your own hands. By learning to use your subconscious mind and program it to combat negative thoughts, you can enjoy a better outlook on life.



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