The demand is a trait that denotes choice and difficulty in making decisions or accepting certain situations and circumstances. In moderation, it can be beneficial, ensuring you have healthy standards and don’t become a total doormat. But it can also make you feel less satisfied with your life.
However, in excess, the demand may not be beneficial, reducing your positive thinking and happiness by quickly making you feel dissatisfied and disappointed. If you are a picky person, you probably already know the difficulties that this behavior entails! So how can you get over it? Here are five ways to be less demanding and four ways to be content in life.
Five ways to be less demanding and become more content
Try these tips to exceed your demand.
1. Learn gratitude
It may sound harsh to be told that being thankful is a cure for delicacy, and it certainly isn’t something that works instantly. But counting your blessings and using positive thinking They have been shown to help change the way you view your options and the world around you.
It’s easy to be picky when you’re never satisfied with what you have. You covet other people’s experiences, belongings, and successes. You obsess over the things you wish you had. At the end of the day, you may be so blinded by items that you want to forget to even look at what you already have! Generating gratitude can be tricky. Here are some tips to do so:
- Write at least three things you are grateful every day.
- Make an effort to appreciate and thank the people around you.
- Take note of the little things and appreciate them, even if they seem inconsequential.
- Point out silver lights in all the dark clouds you see.
2. Simplify your life
It is a paradox that the more options you have, the more demanding you can become. Turns out, having a lot of different things can make you a lot more selective in life. It’s nice to have standards, but it’s not good to get so caught up in the complexities of life that you can’t make quick and simple decisions.
You don’t have to be completely minimalist, but there are many aspects to a simpler, cleaner way, less possession-oriented lifestyle that can benefit you. If your demand tends to come from material objects, trying minimalist concepts can help you master those trends.
Think of all the things you have. Do you need it all? How many are not used most of the time? What can you give away or erase? What items do you need to buy less because you don’t even use them much to begin with?
3. Understand the negativity bias
TO negativity bias it is a concept that fuels the demand. It refers to the tendency to pay more attention and to be more affected by the negative things that positive some. This means that even if you are surrounded by positivity, you can pay more attention to the small negative details, making you very picky about the things and people in your life.
Focusing on the negative is a natural part of the human experience, so don’t feel bad if you’re heavily influenced by the negativity bias! Instead, focus on learning to identify the positive characteristics of the world around you. When good things happen, try to remember them by taking pictures, telling others about them, or writing them down. Gradually, you will learn to pay more attention to the good things and your demand will disappear when you see that the things that you would not have chosen before seem much more attractive now.
4. Stop demanding only the best
Perfectionism it is a trait that only sets unrealistic expectations. You cannot be perfect, nor can your plans or the circumstances around you. Having high standards for yourself and others is not necessarily a bad thing, but you need to understand that demanding the best all the time is just a recipe for failure and disappointment.
When you demand only the best when you are demanding, what you are doing is insisting on something that cannot happen. You can’t always get what you want and obsessing over those things you can’t have is not productive. Instead of demanding the best, look for things that are good for you now. You can improve and “update” over time!
5. Take responsibility for your life
There are many things out of your control, and it is true that many problems in the world that affect you are not necessarily those that you can fight. However, the fact is that only you have power over yourself. What you do with your life is your responsibility.
The demand often arises from the desire to blame other circumstances and situations for why you are not achieving a certain goal. Instead of relying on these thoughts, think about what you can do to move closer to your aspirations. They will not fall into your lap; You have to work for them! Ask yourself:
- What things can I change about my current situation?
- Can I act or be responsible for current events in my life?
- How Am I unnecessarily behaving like a victim? of these circumstances?
- What can I do about this?
- What can I learn from this?
Four ways to be happy in life
These behaviors can increase your happiness.
1. Live in the here and now
If you want to be content, you must focus wholeheartedly on the present. This is because:
- Focusing on the past forces you to revisit old problems and problems, sticking to the problems of the past instead of taking its lessons and moving on.
- Ruminating About the past keeps you rooted in things that are no longer true, causing the idealization of things from the past that prevent you from creating happier moments now.
- Focusing on the future can mean worrying a lot about things that you have no control over, as you cannot predict the future at all.
- Focusing on the future can mean getting ahead of yourself and not doing the work necessary now to get to that envisioned positive future.
This does not mean that you should never think about the past or the future. It’s always good to be prepared for what’s ahead and to have reasonable life goals ahead of you. It’s also good to remember your story and the lessons you learned from it.
But don’t waste all your time ruminating these timelines that are not relevant to your current situation. You were a different person back then and you will be a different person shortly, so why not focus on the version of yourself that exists now?
2. Focus on your strengths
Many people are unhappy in life because they feel they are not capable enough. The world has high expectations, and many of them are beginning to sink their hooks for you as you grow up between such unfair goals. These things can make you feel bad about yourself, making you think you’re not capable.
To fight this, you need to start focusing on your strengths. Pick your talents and skills and put them to use in work, hobbies, and your life in general. Taking note of your strengths will allow you to apply them to many different situations, giving yourself an advantage and demonstrating your skills to yourself.
Of course, you still have to work on other skills that you are not particularly good at, and every time you learn something new, you will not be proficient at first. Focusing on your strengths doesn’t mean neglecting other parts of your growth; it just means playing to your best skills to remind you what you can do.
3. Don’t compare yourself to others
Comparing yourself to other people is a sure way to avoid being content in life. This is because:
- There will always be better than you, and there will always be people who will be worse than you; There is no point trying to identify and compare them all.
- Everyone’s journey is different and it’s unfair to ever compare you to other people; That injustice applies to both you and the others involved.
- Things that work for other people may not work for you and vice versa.
- You don’t know what happens behind closed doors; people tend to show only the best parts of themselves, and reality is always different from appearances.
- You have no power over other people, only over yourself, so why focus on others?
- Copying other people to make them comparable will only result in you being a second-rate version of the object of your imitation; instead, strive to be a premium version of yourself.
- At the end of the day, you are the only person you will ever really be with; No one else’s opinions or situations matter when it comes to your personal life.
The bottom line is that comparisons are unproductive and don’t add any value to your life. If you want to be content, you must find an intrinsic motivation to improve yourself, not to meet the standards of others.
4. Find emotional balance
You can’t be happy all the time, and if you’re learning to overcome the demand, it probably won’t come to you quickly at first. It’s okay to smile and pretend to be happy at first while you work out the potholes. The act of “pretending” in this way can genuinely help your progress, as the brain tends to have trouble telling your fake actions from your real ones.
At the same time that you have to pretend until you make it, you may also have to stop and allow yourself to feel your negative emotions. Positive thinking it cannot be constant, and suppressing your feelings will make them worse. Allow yourself to experience the full sweep of your emotions and be an observer of them. You can learn a lot about yourself and manage your feelings by reflecting on how you feel!
Final thoughts on how to find some ways to be less demanding so that you become more content in life
Demanding isn’t always a bad thing, but all excess traits are harmful, and this one is no exception. Learning to handle your demand can help you feel happier and happy in life, with the world around you and in yourself.