Time management is a valuable skill! Few people will tell you that it is not. But there is a point where even good skills and habits can end up being extreme enough to damage your life and personal growth. Keeping time in excess is one of those examples responsible for slowing it down
Excess time refers to the act of being constantly aware of how long everything takes in your life. This often means letting go of time and feeling emotionally attached to it. This can prevent achieving your goals In different ways. Here are five ways keeping time is holding you back.
1. It makes you lose focus
If you tend to keep time, chances are you are often worried about being late. In fact, this doesn’t seem bad on the surface because punctuality is essential. So the fact is that being too obsessed with being on time can backfire.
It’s okay to want to be on time; In most cases, being late can negatively affect you. But there is a difference between being aware of your responsibilities and constantly checking your watch. Repeatedly shifting your attention to timing or looking at clocks while trying to make new mini plans based on time remaining is completely ineffective.
When you behave in this way, it disrupts your brain’s focus on a task and creates more panic and distraction for you. You can’t stay focused if you still need to look at a watch, and your brain can only handle a certain number of changes without losing productivity. This means that ironically, trying to avoid delays can make you late!
2. It makes you feel uncomfortable
Keeping time seems like a great way to focus on task, manage goals, and even manage anxiety, but in reality, it will only make your worries and fears worse. You may feel uncomfortable because you have learned to view time as a transaction. For every moment you spend doing something random, you have “wasted” time that could have been spent elsewhere.
When you see time this way, you are actively getting too anxious to do anything right, or even to live your life in peace! Not sure if this describes you? Here are some signs that keeping time just makes you feel uncomfortable:
You are anxious when you are free
When you expect something relaxed for once, you also don’t enjoy it once that moment arrives. Essentially, you spend your free time feeling anxious or unhappy that you are not working on more “productive” things. You are aware that the time you spend “freely” is time you will never get back, but instead of understanding that this is a fair and valuable use of your time, you panic.
You are never satisfied
Even when you’re productive, keeping time means you could be harder on yourself regarding that productivity. He is not satisfied with anything he can do, as he always feels that he could have done more. You don’t even realize when these thoughts reach excessive levels.
You need everything to fit
Being on time and scheduling is great, but needing everything to fit perfectly on your planned time and not being able to adjust is holding you back. You feel stressed when something happens that takes away your planned time for certain activities, leaving you stuck if even one thing goes wrong. And if you expect an excessive amount of things to fit in a certain amount of time, that’s even worse!
3. Makes you run all the time
When you try to keep time, you may constantly feel like you never have enough time to do what you want to do. You may also worry that you are wasting time and feel like you need to rush to avoid that waste. This is not rational thinking and can ultimately be bad for your life, your job, and your health. Here’s how rushing can hold you back:
Results in unsatisfactory performance
While procrastinating and taking too long to do simple tasks is bad, rushing them is just as problematic for your performance. Rushing means that you are more likely to make mistakes, and it also means that you are probably not giving the task the attention and focus it deserves.
It prevents you from enjoying life
Have you ever heard the phrase about stopping to smell the roses? It is a language that rings very true in today’s fast-paced world! If you don’t stop every now and then to see all the little positives in life, you’ll end up in a bad mood and won’t be able to appreciate the beauty in life. That is bad for your mental health and can give you a skewed view of the world.
Avoid enjoying free time
Oddly enough when you have free time, the act of keeping time can still exist and hold you back even more. It would be better if you had this free time to rest, but your time anxiety prevents it. How? Well, for example, if you wake up later than expected on your day off, you may immediately start to panic or feel bad, thinking about all the time you’ve wasted by waking up late. This means that you feel very bad and rush to do your leisure activities, and it may even prevent you from enjoying them! As such, you won’t feel rested when it comes time to return to your responsibilities, damaging your ability to perform. Breaks are necessary to positive thinking, productivity and well-being, so ruining your breaks by keeping time is very detrimental.
4. You can’t find your purpose, because your obsession with time is holding you back.
Many times, a sense of purpose can help you feel more fulfilled. Most experts agree that having a purpose is crucial to physical and mental well-being, giving you a positive view of yourself and the direction you are heading. Unfortunately, this means that sometimes, feeling like you don’t have a purpose can manifest itself in timing behavior.
Why did this happened? You can keep time because you feel like everything you are doing will be wasted as you have no sense of direction of purpose. You wonder what you are doing here and why you are doing it, or if it makes any sense. This lends itself to feelings of depression and even a desire to withdraw and stop trying because of how desperate it seems.
Ironically, keeping time to the point of depression can prevent you from finding your purpose. Understanding that you can find your purpose later in life will help you feel comfortable living each day in this moment rather than worrying that every minute will be wasted.
5. You think life is a race
Life is something variable and everyone experiences it differently. When you carry the time, you tend to forget how unique and individual your life can and should be allowed to be. This means that you might think that life is a race that you have to win or reach on time, which is not true. Here are some signs that keeping time is holding you back by making you believe that life is a race:
Feel like you’ve missed your chances
You think that certain milestones in life have age limits. For example, if you didn’t finish college at thirty, you think it’s too late to get a degree.
Or if you never learned to play the piano and now you have discovered that you love it at fifty years old. But you feel like it’s too late to bother you.
You may think that you are too old to sport colored hair, find love, or learn a skill that young people enjoy. These kinds of thoughts are inaccurate! In life, there is no point where you become isolated from specific experiences. There are no pre-set detour points for different paths and opportunities. So don’t stop for ideas that diminish positive thinking.
You compare yourself with others
Keeping time can make you see your accomplishments, milestones, and successes compared to other people’s, judging your journey by how well you measure up to theirs. He compares his victories to the victories of others and is less interested in finding his way or taking things at his own pace. This mindset is counterproductive because it means that you compare your true and complete version of yourself and all your opposite sides with the positive opinions that others present to the world.
You don’t know why someone is going faster or slower than you. Also, it is not fair to try to “beat” them in a race where only you are running. And of course, that kind of thinking means you feel bad when you succeed at a slower pace and you become complacent when you grow faster. .
Your successes feel less meaningful
If your successes come after other people’s, you may feel that this diminishes the positive result you have achieved. You end up minimizing your abilities and treating your good wins as subjects of overwhelming need. You may even be ashamed of them if you were “slow” to achieve them!
Make impulsive mistakes
Impulsive behavior is often detrimental to your well-being, and studies have shown that it is related not only to decreased positive thinking but multiple mental disorders and conditions that are risky. When you believe that life is a race and you are running out of time for certain milestones, you are likely to make impulsive decisions to get to the detour point that you think exists.
For example, if you feel like you need to get married before 30, you can rush to marry someone at the age of 29. In fact, you can make this move even if it is not right for you.
You feel overwhelmed
When you think you are running out of time to reach a particular milestone in life’s fake race you envision, you can feel overwhelmed. You think you have a limited time. Then you feel the need to hurry. But that only serves to make it difficult for you to achieve any positive goal!
Final thoughts on some ways keeping time is holding you back
It’s good manage your timeBut there is a difference between using time positively rather than holding you back. Instead of wasting your time ironically, focus on living your life one moment at a time and don’t let everything you do be dictated by the clock and calendar.