It’s okay to be single, really! Is!
Have you ever felt that there is something wrong with you because you can’t seem to find the only? Do you feel pressured to always be in a romantic relationship? Get married, have children and settle down as soon as possible?
In this age, society tends not to understand single people. People learn from a young age that the goal should be to find a spouse. That is an archaic belief. More and more people are beginning to be happily single. The norm begins to crumble.
5 reasons why it’s okay to be single
So whether you’re single by choice or because you haven’t found the right person, here are five reasons why it’s completely okay not to participate in one. romantic relationship.
1. Singles have more time for themselves
Being in a committed relationship takes time, a lot. Having to constantly spend time with your partner can be exhausting and can prevent you from building the life of your dreams.
Imagine trying to chase a dream while in a relationship. While it is not impossible, it surely requires a lot more sacrifice when you have to take into account the needs of another person. Let’s say you want to travel, move to another city because of career opportunities, or follow your dreams. You can’t expect your partner to give up their dreams to follow you around the world. Therefore, all your dreams will have to be kept on hold or half-chased.
Relationship expert Niloo Dardashti, Psy.D., explains that people committed to a relationship tend to stop doing things independently. People in a relationship tend to lose touch with themselves because they have less time to focus on personal development.
She explains that being alone makes you more self-reliant, more willing to “deal with the blows” and take on whatever life throws at you. When your life is totally yours, you are more likely to take risks and pursue whatever dreams you have.
What the experts say
Psychologist Jenny Taitz See singleness as an opportunity to discover what you want out of life. The extra time you have compared to people in relationships allows you to understand what you want and value.
While you might think that people in relationships can do all of that to understand themselves and pursue their dreams, the reality is that whatever they do in life has to consider someone else’s needs. You cannot fully understand your values while being influenced by someone you spend all your time with. Your principles and needs will always be skewed to accommodate your partner during a relationship.
So being single is the best way to make time for yourself. You can be whoever you want to be, build the life of your dreams without limitations. Do you want to go to a brunch with friends? Nobody stops you. Do you want to take a year to travel the world? You don’t have to ask for permission. Be single and go live your best life!
2. Singles develop stronger friendships and ties with family.
People in relationships tend to become so focused on keeping the flame alive, on keeping the relationship intact, that they are running out of time to make sure their other interpersonal relationships don’t collapse. Surely, you have had that friend who started a serious relationship and disappeared from the face of the Earth. And it’s not even their fault. It’s hard to juggle managing connections with your partner, your friends, and your family.
Studies show that nuclear families living in the suburbs, all the dream life married with white picket fence, tend to have little or no connection to their neighbors than single people, who develop a large social network.
Bella DePaulo, Ph.D., is a social scientist specializing in the complexities of the single life who has extensively researched and documented the truths and debunked misconceptions about singles. She has endorsed the idea that couples tend to withdraw from social life and cut ties with family and friends on multiple occasions. She investigate has shown that people who have always been single spend more time helping others, socializing, volunteering, and participating in civic activities. They are more likely to help their parents and be their caretakers than married people. She has also found that once people get married, they have less contact with friends and siblings.
A study confirming that it’s okay to be single
One study showed that couples were not happier and were not more likely to have high self-esteem. The only notable difference was the time allotted for socializing and bonding with friends and family.
So instead of being sad about your single life, remember that single people are the social glue that holds everything together. You are the ones who maintain real connections with friends and family, the ones who will be there for the needy or the sick, and the ones most involved in civic duties. Be happy with your relationships and remember, people in relationships have a lot to learn from you about networking.
3. Singles tend to be healthier
Health and romantic involvement seem to have no correlation, but somehow they are not. It all comes down to what you value most in life.
People in a relationship tend to value time with their partners more. Therefore, they tend to abandon certain activities in which they once participated. Exercise was found to be one of the first things people in serious relationships neglect. The reason is quite simple: either they don’t have time to be healthy or their priorities have changed. They may no longer fight for that summer body.
Whatever the truth, couples have been shown to eat worse and exercise less. Investigate supports this hypothesis, reporting that always single men have reported eight hours of exercise over two weeks, as opposed to married men, who reported just under five hours / two weeks. For always single women, the rate was five and a half hours / two weeks compared to the four hours / two weeks reported by married women.
Studies they also show that single women have reported better overall health. They had fewer days of disability and fewer visits to the doctor.
Grab a training partner and go for a run. Take your time preparing meals. Singles can spend as much time as they want taking care of their health without having to feel guilty about being in the gym instead of with their partner.
4. Singles don’t settle
You’ve probably seen your friends having to deal with abusive relationships, not being able to let go of toxic partners, always rushing to be with someone who forget to think if that person is good for them or not.
Studies They have shown that the fear of being single can make someone miss their exes. Du to something called repetition compulsion, People who have been hurt in the past tend to rush into new relationships with the wrong people in a subconscious attempt to fix the pain.
Being in a relationship is quite complicated. Fortunately, single people do not have these problems. If you’ve been single for a while, you’re not afraid to be lonely because you’re happy with yourself. Not only that, but you know that not being involved doesn’t mean you are alone. You still have many friends and a supportive family.
Without the hassles that can make people used to getting involved rushing into new relationships with the completely wrong person, a single person can step back and analyze whether or not someone is right for them. You don’t feel the psychological need to always have someone by your side. So you can be more demanding and set high standards to ensure that when the time comes, you catch the red flags and don’t jump into something toxic.
Here is great tranquility Why It’s okay to be single
Being single also allows you find out who you are and what you want, which makes you better able to understand what you need from a partner later on.
Have fun, work on yourself, remember that you are single because you have clear standards and that a relationship, when it is not prepared, can be destructive. The more you learn to be happy with yourself, the better prepared you will be for a relationship and the more chances you will have of finding the navy blue prince (or princess). You may even discover that your knight in shining armor is none other than you.
5. Singles are usually better workers
For some people, a career is just as important, if not more important, than the idea of having a life partner. Wanting to be single and concentrating on a job is not only legitimate, but simply the best way of life for some people.
Single people don’t just work because they have to. They are the people who value meaningful work. They are the ones who work because they are passionate about what they do.
Studies I discovered that single people who were passionate about work had been since high school. In 1991, high school seniors were asked what would be most important when looking for work. Those who valued stability and work were more likely to be married when surveyed nine years later. In contrast, those who were motivated by intrinsic factors, such as the importance of work, were more likely to be single after nine years.
If you are single, chances are you are too absorbed in your work to have time for a partner, and that is legitimate. Life is about finding meaning, and if that meaning comes from your job, your passions, your family and friends, or your partner, that’s your choice.
Focus on what you do and what you love that will bring you satisfaction. Forcing yourself into a relationship when your job is your true passion can only hurt you. Get that promotion, start that business, do what you have to do and don’t look back.
Final thoughts on why it’s okay to be single
Being single is seen as a situation to be fixed in this society. And if they made you believe that being in a relationship is mandatory for a full life, that’s understandable.
Remember, being single is legitimate and can make you happy. Singles have more time to develop on a personal level, to pursue their dreams and careers. They have better bonds with friends and family. They are healthier and, most importantly, they never settle.
So, hug yourself and do whatever you want. When you are single, the world is your oyster.
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