The subconscious mind is the part of your brain where your thoughts and actions happen involuntarily and automatically. It’s where ideas come from that are as natural to you as your breath, and these thoughts can exist in your head without you even realizing they’re there. Naturally, this makes it quite dangerous to have a negative subconscious as that can influence everything you do without your knowledge!
But how can you fix something that you are not even aware of? How can you access parts of your brain that are not easy to reach? And, once you get there, how can you start to improve it? Here are three efficient ways to train your subconscious mind to think positively.
1. Talk to your subconscious mind
By definition, the subconscious is something that you are not innately aware of. To understand what it contains, you need to talk to it and actively try to understand it. In the background, it runs uncontrollably and unheard until you pay direct attention to it.
Some people think that it is better to ignore the subconscious because it can contain negative thoughts and other toxic ideas. But addressing your subconscious does not mean that you completely believe every word it says. Learning to communicate positively with your subconscious will allow you to better understand your deep-seated issues.
Basically, if you want to learn to think positive, you have to understand the things that keep negative thoughts going. Those things are in your subconscious, and without trying to get in touch with him, you can never begin to train him properly. And, of course, any form of subconscious “training” requires you to interact with that part of your mind. Here’s how to get started:
Ask your subconscious questions
To understand the negativity your subconscious has, it can be helpful to ask it questions and ask for answers regarding the issues you are facing. Suggest how many of their negative thoughts that block positive thinking are embedded deep in your subconscious. So you have to get the information about these roots out of your mind. Your brain is trying to protect you by using these negative thoughts to find out why. Ask what your subconscious is protecting you from, what you fear, and even what you dislike. It’s almost like an interview with that part of your brain.
Consider if your subconscious is right
Your subconscious aims to keep you safe, and while this is not always rational, there is usually a reason why it is doing what it does. In most cases, the way this protection is applied, for example by creating negative thoughts, so that you do not do certain things, is not the ideal or the healthiest option. But that doesn’t mean that what you’re doing doesn’t make sense. In all likelihood, there are things you need to address and pay attention to that you haven’t focused enough on, and this keeps your subconscious negative. There is wisdom in your inner thoughts, listen to them!
Calm your subconscious
Your subconscious is scared and scared, and you have to help calm him down and teach him that positive thinking is more beneficial to him. Promise yourself that you will handle challenges well. Remember your strengths and powers. Point out that you have listened to the fears ingrained in your heart and that you will do everything you can to protect yourself from them without stunting their growth. Recognize that things will work out and your subconscious will relax.
2. Provide motivation to your subconscious mind
An unmotivated subconscious will have no interest in being trained towards positivity. Your brain needs something to propel it forward. Having this healthy desire can do wonders for your positive thinking while allowing your inner brain to focus on something you want instead of the usual negativity. Here are some ways to motivate your subconscious:
See what inspires you
There are many potential sources of inspiration in the world. You can find inspiration in other people, in the media, fiction, art, and even yourself. Things that inspire you can help stoke a fire in your stomach that makes you hungry for forward momentum, making you run forward. Just remember that getting inspired is positive, but comparing yourself to impossible ideals is definitely not! Find people and things that make you want to work harder, but don’t try to imitate them exactly!
Keep creating new goals
A great way to stay motivated is divide large goals into smaller goals and then continue to add more and more goals as you go, adjusting based on your new abilities and desires. That way, every time you reach a small goal, you can congratulate yourself and feel your achievement. Each new goal should challenge and excite you without being too high. Find a balance between giving yourself something to work hard on and doing the impossible!
Surround yourself with positive people
The people who support you can help you feel motivated to keep your promises, make you proud, and hold yourself accountable. A positive circle of support will cheer them on as you cheer them on, and this is a great way to stay on task and find encouragement when needed. If you don’t have a large social circle, you can join groups and clubs related to your goals or find support groups that aim to help people from all walks of life move forward.
· Be realistic
Nobody’s forward momentum is perfect. Progress is not linear. There will be times when you step back and times when you move forward, and the size of those steps can change dramatically as well. Remember that it is normal to have falls, moments of failure and difficult or difficult moments. Take care of yourself, get up again and keep trying!
3. Reconfigure your thinking and move towards positive thoughts
Training the subconscious mind involves rewiring your brain to better and more productive ways of perceiving the world, processing information, and thinking about things. It sounds like a difficult task, but it is perfectly doable. In fact, many methods can successfully help you change the way your brain processes signals. Here are some tips to translate your negative subconscious thoughts into positive ones!
Give yourself examples from reality
If your subconscious tends to catastrophize and fear the worst in every situation, you can counteract this by patiently coming back to reality. Think of all the times you have experienced similar results. Imagine how your abilities have helped you get through the worst moments of your life. Remember the many, many times you thought the worst, but it all worked out. This firm understanding of reality will help your positive thinking.
Start using positive self-talk
Positive self-talk is a concept that involves using positive self-statements. It is similar in many respects to positive claims, and studies have found it to be an effective way to improve well-being. Often times, if your subconscious mind leans towards the negative, you have to actively talk to yourself in a positive way and go overboard to combat that. But over time, what you say will manifest itself accurately and you will begin to genuinely believe in the nice things you say about yourself.
Get rid of unnecessary negativity
If you are faced with a negative thought, observe it, then do a judgment call. Is this thought accurate? Is it based on reality? Finally, is it productive or is it just hurting you? If the thought does nothing for you other than lower your mood, then imagine throwing the thought out the window or pressing an “erase” button on it. While you should never hold back your emotions, you should also learn to determine which thoughts are not serving you in any way and are not worth your extra thought and effort.
Be grateful
Gratitude is a known method of improving the way you look at the world. Essentially, the more grateful you are in everyday life, the more your brain naturally looks for more things to be grateful for. Expressing appreciation to others, patting yourself on the back for your little victories, and finding the good in every bad situation are all great ways to think more positively.
Use visualization
Visualization is a powerful technique that involves immersing yourself in an imagined situation. You put your brain to work creating a landscape in which you position yourself and focus on this image until you believe it or know that you can manifest it. This is a known method to improve positive thinking, gaining emotional resilience and training your brain to think more optimistically. It’s an ideal training mechanism for your subconscious because the human brain has trouble distinguishing between imagination and reality, so the things you imagine can help motivate you. Imagine vivid details and creative thoughts that put you in powerful, successful, and positive situations.
Fight negativity with positivity
Whenever a negative thought pops up in your head, immediately counter that with a positive thought in the same way. It’s okay to exaggerate a bit when making these positive statements to fight back; The goal is to “argue” with your negative thoughts and firmly replace them with positive ones. For example, if you think, “I stuttered when I spoke, so now everyone thinks I’m an idiot,” you fight by thinking, “No, I impressed everyone with my bright spots, so they don’t care. I stuttered!” , if you think, “My partner is going to break up with me because I’m late for this date!” Fight back thinking, “Actually, I texted my partner about this and they are very supportive; I will make it up to them and we will continue to be happy together! “
Final thoughts on some ways to train your subconscious mind to think positive
Tapping your subconscious for positivity is a powerful way to improve your mental well-being. Being in tune with your inner self and working with it to grow it can be a fantastic step in your life. It may be difficult at first, but keep it up, and you will soon discover that your subconscious is actually focusing on positive things!
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