20 Ways for Somone to Have Psychological Safety


Feeling frazzled, stressed, nervous, and like you’re ready to throw in the towel? These are all common phrases used by the average person every day. Life is stressful and you must find effective ways to handle this pressure for your psychological safety.

Mental illness is a major problem and the burden each person must carry can put increasing pressure on their mental well-being. Take, for example, a father with three children and a full-time job. They must get up at 6 am to prepare the children for school.

They have the time right after you walk them out the door to get ready for a long day at work. This worker works until 5 pm and then runs home to prepare dinner for the spouse and children. When they finish cleaning, washing clothes, and other household chores, they collapse into bed at midnight. They only sleep a measly six hours.

Does this scenario sound familiar to you? Add to this picture chronic illness, grocery shopping, taking the kids to sports, and leaving little time for personal care. An empty well cannot pour into others, and it will not be long until the dry well is cracked and damaged.

Twenty ways to improve your psychological safety

If you want to relieve the pains of stress and take care of your needs, you must learn to protect yourself mentally. Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to ensure that your mind, body, and spirit remain in good health. Here are 20 things you can do starting today.

1. Turn off the electronics

While on the go your cell phone is a great way to pass the time. It would be helpful if you took the time to disconnect from electronic devices. Stop the news flashes and doomscrolling about the problems of the world. Unplugging can be a much-needed mental health break.

2. Avoid self-criticism

You are human and you will make mistakes. How many times have you been your worst critic? Stop looking at all the things you do wrong and focus on what you do right. Your psychological safety depends on your perception of yourself.

3. Show people how you want to be treated.

Setting limits protects you from harmful comments and undue stress. You have the power to tell people how you expect to be treated. When you set firm guidelines for the relationships in your life, you can save yourself a lot of headaches now and in the future.

4. Find an outlet for negativity

You will be influenced by negativity every day, as it is impossible to avoid it. Instead of ingesting it and allowing it to reach you, you must find a way out. Try things like meditation, yoga, singing bowls, and box breathing to help you remove all the stress you build up each day.

5. Surround yourself with positive people

How many times have you heard old sayings like “are you known for the company you have?” Parents and grandparents had all these little proverbs that were so applicable to life. When you hang out with pessimistic and complaining people, it won’t be long until you develop the same attitude.

However, if you surround yourself with people who tend to see things positively, they can help you change your perceptions for the better.

6. Don’t compare yourself to others

One of the worst things you can do is compare yourself to others. It doesn’t matter what car you drive, what house you live in, or how much money you make in an hour. What matters is what is inside your heart.

The ability to love and be loved is one of the best gifts out there and it is priceless. Please don’t allow yourself get into the comparison gameas it will only destroy your self esteem.

7. Go to the gym

It is a proven fact that exercise can help you improve your mood, which improves your mental health. According to the National Library of Medicine, exercise has been shown to increase serotonin, which can help keep depression and anxiety at bay.

8. Speak for yourself

Do you let people trample you? Do you have the words doormat written on your forehead? Learn to defend yourself and make the decisions in your life, as your happiness depends on it.

9. Ask for help

While you can try to present yourself as a superhero, you should Know your limits and when is the time to ask for help. Of course, no one folds clothes or mows the lawn like you, but sometimes you have to put these petty control tactics aside for your psychological safety.

Give your spouse or children the power to do the dishes, do the laundry, or do the shopping, as it is very liberating to let go.

10. Get enough rest

Do you get enough rest each night? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, adults need at least seven hours each night. When you don’t get as much rest, you create a deficiency that can affect your mind and body.

11. Practice mindfulness

Learning mindfulness can help you be present in the here and now. Do you know that most of the things you spend your time worrying about won’t happen anyway? Stop crying about something that might not even happen.

Learn to appreciate all the beautiful things around you, like your child’s face, the smell of a flower, and the golden rays of the sun.

12. Make a vision board

Part of having good mental health is setting goals and achieving them. Wouldn’t life be boring if you did the same day after day without any disturbances? Creating a vision board helps you plan your life in a year, five, and even ten.

Where do you see yourself in a year? Creating a vision board It is a fun task that you can also involve your children in.

13. Learn to say no

How many times do you accept more than you can handle? Sure, the PTA wants five dozen cupcakes from your kitchen, but do you really have time to commit to such a feat? Learn to say no for the sake of your mental health, and it will absolutely change your life.

14. Spend time in nature

One of the tactics used to stop a panic attack is to get out. Fresh air has healing properties that can be therapeutic. If you have trouble feeling grounded in this world, kick off your shoes and feel the cold earth between your toes.

When the world around you is chaotic and you feel like you might lose touch, go outside as it can help.

15. Laugh often

Laughter is good for the soul and it is more beneficial than most people think. When you laugh, you’re releasing those feel-good hormones that help keep your mental health in check.

16. Eat healthy

You are what you eat, so make sure what you eat does not harm your body. While plant-based diets are beneficial, you don’t have to be completely vegan to eat healthy. Watch your junk food intake and make sure to stay away from fast food outlets.

17. Spend time alone

All need time alone as it helps you recharge your batteries, which helps with your psychological safety. Even if you only have half an hour each day, make sure you have some time to be quiet.

18. Keep a gratitude journal

Of course, it’s easy to focus on all the negatives in your life, but keeping a gratitude journal will help you keep your balance. When you start counting all your blessings, it’s easy to walk away from negativity. Pessimism only damages your mental health as it changes your perspective and perceptions.

19. Socialize frequently

It is essential to get away from your work and home responsibilities and have fun. Hanging out with your friends every now and then can make you feel like a teenager again, carefree and happy. Take some time to socialize as it can do wonders for your mental health.

20. Learn to forgive

Forgiving others releases the control that wrongdoing has over you. When you forgive another person, you remove negativity from the atmosphere to allow positivity to flow through you. Having unforgiveness in your heart can cause a root of bitterness to grow, and no one wants something like that to grow in their garden.

Final thoughts on psychological safety

Your psychological safety is an integral part of your life. You wouldn’t walk into rush hour traffic knowing they’re going to hit you now, right? You should take the same approach to your mental well-being as you do to your physical well-being.

The most important thing is to know your limits, not be self-critical, get enough rest, eat well and take time to meet your needs. Keeping your mind in check is a tricky balance, but with a few tips and tricks, you can learn to stay mentally strong even when everything around you seems to be chaotic.


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