20 Positive Affirmations to Release Toxic Thinking from Your Life


Using positive affirmations in life can benefit you in many ways. One of the most important ways it helps you is by releasing toxic thinking of your life. You can think more clearly, positively, and productively.

Don’t let toxic thinking interfere with your life. Keep moving forward and replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. Changing your negative will come naturally before you know it, and you won’t experience toxic thoughts as often.

The key is to find a few positive affirmations that really work for you, and then memorize them for later recall. Whenever you find yourself struggling with toxic thoughts, repeat the statements you have learned. This habit will help you overcome negative moments in a positive way, without using destructive thoughts.

Twenty positive affirmations to release toxic thinking

Whenever you notice that you are having a toxic thought, remember these positive affirmations. Say them out loud to yourself so you can replace negativity. Share them with your friends too, because you never know who else needs to unleash the toxic thought in their life.

1. I choose positivity and I feel the negativity leave my body.

When you say this affirmation to yourself, you will feel the positivity creep in. You will also feel the negativity being released. This statement can allow positive feelings to overshadow toxic ones.

Repeat this to yourself on bad days or at any time of uncertainty. Negative thoughts should never be welcome in your life, so make sure you always choose positivity.

2. I let go of all toxic thoughts.

Toxic thoughts can cause you many problems in life. It can interfere with your well-being, your relationships, and your careers. If you can put those toxic thoughts aside, you will be much better off.

Give up toxic thoughts by replacing them with positive thoughts. Be mindful of your thought process so you can stay ahead of toxicity.

3. I can control my thoughts and no one else can.

You are the only person in charge of your thoughts. Don’t let anyone else get in the way of your positive thinking process. Decide to replace toxic thoughts with positive thoughts and don’t let anyone else affect them.

4. I overcome all obstacles and challenges in my life.

There will be obstacles and challenges in life, but that shouldn’t cause toxic thoughts. It’s okay when things aren’t working properly and you can’t let that stop you. Remember that you can overcome anything and negative thinking will not take over.

5. I am full of positivity.

If you tell yourself that you are full of positivity, you will be. When you say these words to yourself, your brain processes them and turns them into reality. When you tell yourself that you are full of positivity, you will notice that your thoughts are more optimistic.

6. Toxic thoughts have no place in my life and I will not allow them to control me.

Remember often that toxic thoughts have no place in your life. They do not offer any benefits, so you should avoid them.

Don’t let them control your life or your decisions. This statement will help you remember that toxic thoughts are of no use to you so that you can free them from your thinking.

7. I release all thoughts that do not help me.

If a thought doesn’t help you, you should let it go. Don’t let useless or harmful thoughts stop you. Fill your mind with positivity and reject ideas that don’t seem to help your situation.

If they are not helping, they are just holding you back. You cannot allow this to happen because negative thoughts can overwhelm anything else. Repeat this affirmation daily so that you can release and prevent any toxic thoughts throughout the day.

8. Every day is a new opportunity for positivity, and today I will be positive,

The fact that the previous day did not go well does not mean that today it will be the same way. Don’t let toxic thoughts convince you otherwise, or you’ll end up having another bad day. Instead, replace those poisonous thoughts with positive thoughts while reminding yourself that today is a new beginning.

9. I will not reproduce in my mind situations that bother or hurt me.

Playing upsetting situations in your mind is a sure way to let toxic thinking take over. When you notice that you are thinking about that situation, repeat this statement. Then find something to do that distracts you and helps you think about something else.

10. I forgive myself for mistakes I have made in the past.

We all make mistakes and it is just a simple part of life. Accept this and forgive yourself for your mistakes. You can’t keep punishing yourself or the toxic thoughts will never stop.

Forgive yourself and move on. Then when you make a mistake in the future (which you surely will), forgive yourself again. It is one of the only things you can do if you want to release toxic thoughts in these situations.

11. I choose peace.

Making the conscious decision to choose peace can make a difference. Peace can help you release any toxic thoughts you are experiencing because it reminds you that everything will be fine. Say this positive affirmation every day before starting your day and you will notice that you are calmer.

12. When my thoughts wander, they will drift to positive and peaceful things.

Sometimes you can’t help what you think when your mind wanders. However, this positive statement can help change that.

If you tell yourself that you will have positive and peaceful thoughts when your thoughts drift, your brain will notice. So when your thoughts wander, you are more likely to think about positivity and the things that make you happy.

13. Every time I breathe, I will release some of my toxic thoughts.

By saying this affirmation, you will help yourself to release any toxic thoughts that you are experiencing. You will be reminded to release some of the negativity each time you breathe. Before you know it, you will feel better, happier, and calmer.

14. I will not get angry about things I cannot control.

Things happen in life that you cannot control and sometimes cause toxic thoughts. Instead of letting those toxic thoughts take over, repeat this positive affirmation to release the thoughts. Remember that anger or other negative feelings will not change anything.

15. I know that my life will become what it should be.

Have faith that your life will turn out as it was supposed to. Everything that happens is leading you to the life you were destined to live. Repeat this statement every time you start to lose faith.

16. I will stay calm and clear my mind when the going gets tough.

When you notice that your thoughts are becoming toxic, repeat this positive affirmation to yourself. Remember that you can stay calm and you will stay calm. Let your thoughts clear and then move on.

Letting toxic thoughts take over in these cases can be detrimental. Please be sure to note when it is happening so that you can help yourself to calm down.

17. I trust who I am today and I trust what the future will be.

If you have confidence in yourself, you can release negative thinking of your life. You will know that everything is going to be fine because you have faith in yourself. When you know your worth, you can also have confidence in your future.

18. When things don’t work out, I will face them with confidence and positivity.

If something doesn’t work, say this statement about positivity. It will help you maintain your self-confidence as you deal with the problem. This will help eliminate or prevent any toxic thoughts in the situation.

19. I will use wisdom when planning for the future.

When you think things through positively and use your knowledge to help, you will have better thoughts. Using what you already know to plan and think things through will help stop negative thinking.

20. Bad things don’t define my life.

Even if it seems like bad things keep happening, tell yourself that they don’t define your life. You will overcome anything that happens to you, so release negative thoughts.

Final thoughts on positive affirmations to release toxic thinking from your life

Negative thoughts happen sometimes, but you have to do what you can to release the toxic thoughts. Use these positive affirmations to eliminate any toxic thoughts you have. Replace them with positive reviewsand remember how great you are and what you can do.

Toxic thoughts can hold you back, interfere with your life, and make you feel bad about yourself. However, with these positive affirmations, you can release toxic thinking from your life. It will help you think more clearly and enjoy life much more.



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